
Archive for January, 2012

Initial State Structures

January 25th, 2012
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Corrosion protection is an old reliable method of spraying on the construction. Ropes of metal, used as a bend elements should be assigned to manufacture parts of structures subjected to Effort, ravnym0, 6 rupture strength cable, specified in an tnla and cured under this load for 25 minutes. Prestress flexible parts of structures required to perform more in two phases: the voltage to 50 percent of the projected c maintaining the duration of 10 minutes for inspection and control measurements and stress to hundred percent of the project. Voltage tolerance at all stages – 5%. As provided for in projected construction cases, stress can be performed prior to the projected values with an increased number of stages. The stresses and strains, maximum deviations of structures, prestressed flexible elements must be specified in the project documentation. As originally stressed plants are not allowed to weld the elements in locations not specified in project documentation, or weld near the point of contact bend elements.

To tension the flexible elements and testing should be used stands with anchors. Tensioners for flexible elements required to have a paper manufacturer with information about their calibration. Test voltage parts of structures should be carried out during the installation for all intermediate and final positions of the structure. Control of pre-stressing parts of structures, running by pre-dish of (jacking, etc.), it is necessary to carry out leveling of supports and the geometry of the structures. Limit of error should be indicated in the project documentation. Values pre-stressing elements and the test results should be recorded in the book assembly work. Submitted site


Wedding Dance

January 24th, 2012
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Let the man lead. In the traditional understanding of the role of leading the dance performed by men. Ladies, take a sympathetic position. Amy says: "A man is difficult in the sense that it needs a lot to remember and do: he listens to music, remembers the sequence of dance, communicating with other people, think about the following movement. " You are required to observe the behavior of men, to anticipate what he's going to make mistakes and allow him to. Find balance.

Old-fashioned tradition of wedding dance can only be prescribed by the dominant position of men, but in reality it is a full-fledged partnership. Both partners should make efforts to control the rhythm. "Dance is the result of the connection of your strengths and weaknesses, dancing skills will not be able to get one lesson" – says Amy. You will need to be patient and begin to engage in advance. Great time – five months before the ceremony. As for the wedding dance performances suggest you contact – the organization of weddings.

Allay fears. "Men, which I teach dance, I suggest the following: from the moment when you hug a girl, have complete control over it. Even in the case of uncertainty in his movements, pretend to know what to do "- says Amy. Your partner will be calm while you hold the initiative. Once your partner begins to be afraid of something, she takes the initiative in their hands. You have to establish their supremacy at the beginning of the dance, or in the process do not work. Set the tone. Generally speaking, dance – a social phenomenon, we can say non-verbal conversation. If development proceeds conversation well, you may wish to join and people around them. While many newlyweds prefer staging a dance, some like improvisation, believing that dance can be fun. Amy said: "The first wedding dance determines the tone of your event. If he is successful, then your guests will dance with you. " Dance! Studying partner dance, you are contributing to its future. This skill will be with you and after the wedding celebrations at the various festivals in your living room, on the anniversary of the wedding.

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How To Build Confidence Apparel

January 16th, 2012
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Man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Oscar Wilde. Posted in: Dedicated to: Paola, more than sensuality, grace projected. Throughout the history of costumes, we can see that it has met very specific functions in each historical period. To mention a single fact, we have the boom of the fashion industry in the reign of Louis XIV. The main function then was to project all the splendor and power with which he had the king by divine manifestation; policies seek to justify that power. Focusing on the immense creative world that developed in the textiles industry can understand the great importance that it was at this juncture. In our days, and full motion or individual consciousness, the role of clothing has become democratically to reach the level of individualized identity.

With our particular way of dressing silently scream here we are. We are playing and the stage of the search for status, even, I suspect that we are also breaking the barrier definition of a style of life. What we consciously (and often unconsciously) want is to find or regain confidence in ourselves. Why am I saying this? For to find our personality leads us to be confident in ourselves and that is a major step towards confidence. Sometimes I also suspect that this is taking us as consumers to change our criteria for purchase. How this argument? As follows: What are the factors that influence our decision to purchase? No order of priority that we can answer are: price, brand and / or designer, season, fashion and more. These factors are gradually relegated the search immediately find himself.

Human beings seek it now when you saw: to find his own ego. Found means just trust someone, in itself. Herein lies for me the importance and great value that the world textile print. We are certainly going through the stage to see positive things for the price we but for the value since we have invaluable ourselves. I think from now on clothing purchases will be much more intelligent. Purchases will be human quality. What is the real future of fashion? Difficult to predict or envision. What I do wish is that our self-esteem is raised by this new attitude to dress. From this point we have to think this way everything will be more productive and emotionally and psychologically. No longer exist, I believe, compulsive shoppers. Us focus on things for their value, not price. Wearing my ideas will continue. Recommended by:


History Of State And Law Of The New Age

January 1st, 2012
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History of State and Law of the New Times is one of the most exciting periods in the development of world civilization. Despite the fact that this era covers a relatively short historical phase – XVII – beginning of XX century. In the history of State and law of foreign countries, it is one of the busiest in the development and adoption rights memorials. It was at this period of history was becoming, and then the assertion of modern state-legal order, based on political democracy, freedom and civil legal equality. By the chronological framework of this period can be approached from two perspectives: historical and legal.

Moreover, interesting to note that, historically, New Era has come much earlier than legally. For example, from a historical point of view to assume that New Era has begun in an era of great geographical discoveries (America – Christopher Columbus in 1492, the sea route from Europe to India – Vasco da Gama in 1498), which promoted the development of industry, trade, which in turn resulted in changes in social and political systems and law. New Era legally connected with the period of bourgeois revolutions. The first bourgeois revolution took place in the Netherlands at the end of the XVI century. However, its impact on world history was very small in comparison with the British and French Revolution the XVII and XVIII centuries., the consequences of which was the assertion of capitalist relations in the advanced countries of Europe and America. The place of feudalism came the bourgeois state and law, represents a huge step forward.

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