If the Caologia shows to a private order the governartudo, why the human chaos would not have also an underground Government in the command? When we enter emconflito with an adversary most prepared, it is easy to foresee that the resultadono will be favorable, and that is obvious excessively to deserve greaters commentaries. Damesma forms, when an entire world, all subdivided in fragile nations edesesperadas before the strange noises quevm of deep of the centuries (as in the poem of Matos Coast) and before ausnciade the solutions that do not bring other problems, if debate against an enemy fortee disfarado well, is arrived the hour to stop to reflect. The daily pay-existence dosarsenais superior and of the best ways of detention of ours ‘ ‘ potencialidadesblicas’ ‘ , increased of the previous examination of the conception of each intrauterine life, defato grants ‘ ‘ to the other lado’ ‘ all the advantages in the great conflict. (Source: Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions). ahumanidade then would walk accurately for where it walked, i., for the atualestado one of things, of the fragility, the not-happiness and the not-solution. However nothing that sediga of ‘ ‘ vantagens’ ‘ of the other it will be able to surpass the old strategy, denounced portodos the Christians, of the capacity of if making occult or, more still, of the efetivadescrena that promote in relation to its proper existence, cumprindoexemplarmente cartilha of the tactics of war in its more decisive item: ‘ ‘ to never leave the victim to distrust that possuainimigos, leaving it to live a false peace and until the pride of its defesas’ ‘. With effect, to discredit that he is being attacked or same that exists uminimigo it is the supreme guarantee of the victory, in any type of war (that the former-combatants of the Vietnam odigam). The reality then would mainly noseria almost nothing of what we imagine, in our optimistical dreams more belose.
government and politics
One to look at on the new alternatives of teaching formation that are being created and that they are in full activity (courses in the distance, aligeirados, saw satellite, etc), they make with that in them let us question on the real effectiveness and consequence of these formative processes in the direction to enable the professor to manage, to lead and to intervene with the picture of changes perceived and lived by the new generations. That professional is being formed? That referenciais theoretician-practical is being incorporated that it allows it to act with security before these transformations? Which the autonomy degree with that it obtains to act? That experiences are lived deeply throughout the formation process? How it is prepared to learn throughout the life? In the vision of Lck (2006), the construction of the effective autonomy if by means of the transformation of the pertaining to school culture, adopting one ' ' culture of autonomia' ' , that it would allow, gradually, change in the way of being and making of everything what happens in the school. Such possibility has greater success probability if to count on professors with formation adjusted for this. The professional autonomy means, finally, a dynamic process of definition and personal constitution of who we are as professional, and the conscience and reality of that this definition and constitution cannot be carried through seno in the seio of proper professional reality, that is the meeting with other people, either in our commitment to influence in its process of personal formation, either in the necessity to define or to contrast with other people and other sectors what this formation must be. (CONTRERAS, 2002, P. 214). It is possible to speak in autonomy of the educator without autonomy of the school? Until where one implies to another one? We can say in autonomy observing the legal estruturao, politics, social of the school today? Which the implications when speaking in autonomy? That relations are possible? The interrogations are many and could go defining some situations, initiating, for the factual evidence of that it does not have absolute autonomy, that is, the school are a dependent institution of other institutions, people, agency and entities.
General Deodoro of the Fonseca resigns the same in 23 of November of year, under imminent threat of deposition for the republicans, represented for the vice-president Marshal Floriano Peixoto, who assumes ' ' naturalmente' ' the presidency. Only in the government De Campos Sales, with Rodrigues Alves in the command of the Brazilian economy, the facts of the crisis of the economic depression had been brightened up. In this period, 14 company dedicated to the civil construction had initiated its activities in the city, beyond the constitution of seven real estate and four on enterprises to the production of material of construction, as ceramic, roofing tile and bricks, as mentioned for Adriano Botelho in its book ' ' Urban in Fragmentos' '. 1. Objectives 1.1. General objective – To explore the advance of the civil construction, that during the economic depression also became great source of income and object of profit of fictitious capital, generated through constructors in operations in the Stock exchange.
1.2. Specific objectives – To before understand the occured changes, during and after the reformadoras measures that they intended to promote industrialization and to stimulate the economic growth of the country. – To demonstrate the impact, from this law of the economic depression, enters the change of the old agrarian structure, based in the exportation of the coffee, for the industrialization and the incentive of the based economic growth in the civil construction. – To search ways that make possible profit of equalized capital its distribution, that transits beyond the socialism and of the capitalism. 2. Object the social inaquality and urban resultant of the politics applied in the Law of the Economic depression, that contributes until today for the profit for the speculation of a fictitious capital. 3. Problem – To win the biggest challenge of the period, that was the scarcity of currency, aggravated for the growth of the wage-earning work, result of the end of the slavery and the fond bulk of immigrants as work force.
art and science
In 1936 if they had formed the first permitted professors, and education searched if to move away from that geography enciclopdica and based in stories, giving place to a modern, scientific Geography, worried about its methods and objects. under this perspective from 1930, the pupils of the college Peter II studied: populations, races, languages and religions, highways, transports, creations of animals, exploration of animals, and natural resources. Regarding Brazil, they studied ethnic populations, groups, European elements, settling, natural resources, production of the cotton, extrativista industry, etc. Additional information is available at Click here. Changes still would occur in the following decades, even so theoretical-quantitative revolution has opened a new perspective for education and the critical one in classic Geography, made possible a revision in the contents, did not have significant modifications in the objectives and the didactics. The objective biggest still continued being the enaltecimento of the wealth of the nation and the method of the memorization.
With the military blow of 1964, the Education suffered sevaras transformations, and one more time the education of Geography comes back to be used as an instrument of ideological propagation. The State started to intervine in all the institutions, also in the educational area, for consequence in Geography, defended an education model in which the pupils had been in conditions of only spectators, instead of pensantes and critical citizens of the moment, this could be a dangerous idea for the militant ones in the control. In accordance with Rock (2009, p.4), the paper of conscience taking that Geopolitics can exert in the domination of the peoples, sufficiently was used understood for diverse you lead dictators. In the schools this was an idea used with the objective to limit the knowledge, to mold the behavior and to convince the society the benefits of the Military Regimen. Of this form, Geography was fit in the interest of the State, therefore it presented to the pupils a hierarquizada and lead society from top to bottom, where the order would be the maximum objective reached by the citizens.
prohibited of the family or for its maintenance. However, before sairmos defending or fixing the family, is necessary to take well-taken care of with precipitations. Paraphrasing Hacking (2001) we ask: what is the family? According to Basic Diccionario of Anthropology (FIELD, 2008), family is defined as: ‘ ‘ basic social group, that sits down afectivos bonds, of kinship y/o economic. El number of estos miembros puede to vary … y in if encuentran necessarily inhabiting el mismo hogar’ ‘. Being an invention human being, this does not have to be seen as a biological or natural order, as many times are spread erroneamente by the media and other ways.
It is treated, over all, of an organization of the human beings produced partner-historical. Leaving of the consideraes that the Marx and Engels (1980) had made on the German ideology,> when they had criticized hardly the hegelianos for the naivety with that they conceive the reality, we see that same the critical one still can be applied to the ideology and Brazilian psychology. We affirm this for the torrent of expressions and ideological premises that constantly are bequeathed the familiar institution. As resultant, descontextualizadas understandings or sidewalk in the fancy finish for making it difficult the necessary agreement putting more firewood in the ideological fogueira, what it can also retrocede in the evolution of the public politics. In accordance with the materialism-description, the family if originates with the necessity to organize its ways of production.
A summary brief of its main points is followed partner-descriptions. The first form of organization is the tribal one, familiar structure that if confuses with the social one. The hierarchy if establishes with the patriarchs on the members, for later, with the increase of the population, to establish on the slaves (MARX; ENGELS, 1980). The word family originates in such a way from the Latin ' ' famulus' ' that it meant literally enslaved domestic servant.
home and family