Helosa Buarque Almeida Society
A etngrafo imagines observing a tropical beach and a boat if moving away. Its daily one, repleto of notations, now need to be analyzed and to be interpreted. It is hour to finish the field work. Not, it is not necessary to abandon a distant wild land and to return for the comfort of the home. It is enough to catch the control and disconnect the television. In the following day, in the same hourly, the work recommences, following the destination of the boat in the next chapter.
Of the o beginning of century XX until today, the advent of modernity shortened distances and expanded the values of the society occidental person for all the cantos of the planet. The groups autctones had practically disappeared, promoting transformations in such a way in the methods how much in objects of the anthropologists. In relation to the object, the isolated groups, each time rarer, had left of to be the only ones studied. The researchers had started to direct its attentions for the peasants and, later, they had understood that the cultural diversity of the great cities if presented as an excellent field of studies. In this new context, the elements associates to modernity, as the medias, had emerged as legitimate objects of study antropolgicos, capable to inform essential elements of the including society, although the persistent preconception of part of the academy. In Brazil, the soap operas, for the resonance that they possess next to the population, in all the etrias bands and social classrooms, are a privileged field to understand our society. Following this principle, Laura Graziela Figueiredo Fernandes Gomes, Esther Hamburger and Helosa Buarque Almeida had undertaken important studies on the importance of novels in Brazil, form that, cotejando the three workmanships, is possible to understand as this televising sort reflects our relations social and establishes a constant dialogue with the population, especially in regards to the relation between the aspects ' ' modernos' ' ' ' tradicionais' ' of our society.