
Archive for February, 2017


February 16th, 2017
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The development of empiricism has given rise to original ideas which were based on searches in the area of communication and communication symbols (symbolic interactionism). Interactionists called attention to the symbolic basis for social order, they saw that this order is largely composed of sustainable and agreed between the images that are emerging in people’s minds. Destruction and the structuring of such images and is a symbolic foundation of the social world, which must be taken into account in political analysis.

After all, these characters are capable of, for example, play a politically stabilizing or, alternatively, destructive role. When did the first methodological crisis, a way out of it was an appeal to the empirical and the active use development of American sociological thought. In this vein, and there was a further development of sociology. However, at the turn of the twentieth century, 50-60 years erupted second methodological crisis, whose causes can not determine, but it’s safe to say that he influenced, first of all, Adorno’s statement, that sociology serves bourgeois political elite, and secondly the so-called left-radical sociologists criticized in all structural-functional approach, which dominated at the time, but by its very nature could only explain to society in a static state. This crisis (call) gave rise to the emergence of postindustrial and postmodern approaches, moreover we can say that these approaches had developed an information approach (sometimes called postistinformatsionnym). (Postindustrial) The most prominent representative the concept of postindustrial society is Daniel Bell.

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Russian Orthodox Church

February 12th, 2017
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The confrontation with the secular authorities for clerical stories are not new. But what is much more frequent in the Middle Ages, is now less common. Alas, such a confrontation in Georgia is not quenched, and every time on a particular occasion, found fundamental differences in views and positions between the government and the church. In mid-August in the Georgian media reported on the negotiations on the meeting Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II and Patriarch Cyril, who heads the Russian Orthodox Church. It was to be held later this month in the border with Russia Kazbegi region.

Both Primate, of course, concerned with the state of political relations between Georgia and Russia, especially as these relationships can affect the same faith cooperation of the peoples and churches to split Orthodox unity. This is trying to prevent both the patriarch, and so it was in the previous chapter, the ROC Alexia. However, the Georgian rulers think differently: when a country loses its territory, it does not necessarily pay as much attention to Orthodox unity. This was stated out loud, when the president recently made his views on a particular problem. Knowing this, the secretariat of the Georgian Patriarchate was made on the same days with statement about the small chances of success in reaching an agreement between the patriarchs. Ohio Senator will not settle for partial explanations. The Secretariat said Father George Andriadze even that the main objective of the current authorities of Georgia – Georgian discredit Orthodox Church and its rector, which enjoys very high prestige in the country.

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