The name of Apocalypses not only must be related to a moment determined within zuliana Literature, but it must be seen in addition like an expression to a little while very intense within the Venezuelan letters. So intense that national Literature did not return to be the same, especially, in the wonderful world of the poetry. The decade of years 50 they are determining so it would come to weave itself soon in the art of the words. One decade intimately related to the true one to feel of the surrealistic vanguard and its libertario meaning. A meaning that did not know to handle nor to evaluate the members of Friday, but that if the young poets would explode who will take the word in the middle of century XX. Brave poets who take like departure point their experiences in the outside, particularly in Santiago of Chile where they will make contact with enemy with a universe of images that, together with its previous surrealistic and futurist readings of the European, will inside forge a symbolic bridge towards other catched worlds they themselves.
The contact with founded Mandrgora in 1939, the poetic work of Pablo Neruda, Rosamel of the Valley, Pablo de Rokha and Vicente Huidobro de Ciudadano of the Forgetfulness, will make possible that the surrealismo enters the country with the vigor and brings back to consciousness necessary definitively abrir the floodgates of national poetic modernity. Between those young people they are Adriano Gonzlez Leon, Juan Sanchez Pelez, Salvador Garmendia and Hesnor Creek. All of them tried to form in Caracas a literary grouping whose name would be Equinox. Adriano Gonzlez Leon and Hesnor Creek sat down to define a manifesto with which to burst in into the Venezuelan letters. Nevertheless, they did not run with much luck. Diverse reasons forced these young people to take different courses.