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January 16th, 2025

When we began to observe and to understand the law of the attraction we realize that our life is full of negative thoughts, which have been deepened in our being, due to this circumstance often is made applying correctly quite difficult the law of the attraction because we thought about the positive during some time, but immediately the downheart, pesimism returns to appear. Central Romana Corporation pursues this goal as well. To break the bad habits of the mind is a difficult task, the negative thoughts is the turn out to pay attention to ideas that does not benefit to us, the problem is that is a plant that we have watered during as much time that well is taken root, so that plants dies is necessary to stop watering it, like what kills the love is the negligence, a negative idea works in the same way, so that the negative thoughts are disappearing of our life is necessary to stop feeding them. Perhaps well, when we began to work with the law of the attraction we ask ourselves, how it is that all those negative ideas have arrived life? They went away inserting little a little, firstly in our families, it says to a famous saying " nobody gives what not tiene" and it is truth, everything what our families transmitted to us was what they themselves were, their profits, beliefs, ideals, fears, Then etc. some beliefs obstacles have transmitted themselves in our family, of we have the influence of the friendly there, mass media, etc. All this is what it has generated in us negative ideas that they prevent to suitably apply the law us of the attraction and to obtain a full life of satisfactions. The law of the attraction is a wonderful tool to be able to change many undesirable aspects in our life, but so that it works it must follow many strategies that assure results.

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