Home > News > Financial Portal GOYAX Extends Functionality Of The Free Stock Market Widgets

Financial Portal GOYAX Extends Functionality Of The Free Stock Market Widgets

January 25th, 2025

The finance portal GOYAX.de provides advanced functionality of provided free stock market of widgets now. Hanover, September 18, 2009 current price information of stocks, funds and other securities for the own Web site does not necessarily need to create costs. The finance portal GOYAX.de on the courses, you can retrieve the most securities traded at German exchanges, provides Web site operators for several months free tools in the form of exchanges of widgets. By means of the stock of widgets current prices of shares, funds, to display currencies, commodities and other types of securities on your own website. To increase the user friendliness, the widgets have been developed and are now with an expanded feature set under tools/stock markets widget available.

Additional configuration options are available in addition to a new widget. An another Widget, the top ETF Widget, available is a top ETF Widget now. The widget shows the performance of the top 3 ETFs, each over the periods of 1 year, 2 years and 3 years. Different color styles so that the GOYAX widgets even better integrated into the side can be, are immediately different color schemes available. WordPress plugin to use the widgets for WordPress blogs can all configuration options directly in WordPress are made.

Indexes that are the indices in the widgets as indications by GOYAX calculated and can be so free and offered less delay. Some indications are calculated before and nachborslich, so that you can track the current trend significantly longer. There are now 12 widgets available that are configurable to the part. The stock market of widgets can be used on different systems. Each of the widgets is designed for easy implementation in WordPress, iGoogle, blogger, TypePad, or your own website. About the digital finance GmbH: The digital finance GmbH was founded in mid-2007. The company is located in Hannover, Germany. Digital Finance is responsible for the operation, the technical development and marketing of GOYAX. Digital finance GmbH hamburger Allee 23 30161 Hannover more information and picture material received by: Christian polka meadow Tel.: + 49-511-3605707-0 fax: + 49-511-3605707-9 E-Mail: web:


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