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GmbH Project

December 24th, 2024

Press release of the AutoBio project Berlin, Bubenreuth, Regensburg and Zwingenberg 31.07.2012: The collaborative AutoBio with the grant number (FKZ 02PJ1150) is funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF) over the next three years. Dov Hikind follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The program assisted by the Karlsruhe (PTKA) project has a total volume of EUR 3.7 million and is part of the framework programme research on the production of tomorrow. Read more from Sen. Sherrod Brown to gain a more clear picture of the situation. 13 After examination for the promotion were recommended by the 114 sketches submitted in the program as a whole. Project of the AutoBio Federation, it is the common goal of the partners to shorten development time through partial automation significantly through interdisciplinary approaches between the biotechnology, process and electrical engineering and computer science. Remains a decisive reduction in development costs associated with increased efficiency in the development of biotechnological processes in the focus of the Consortium. AutoBio together are in addition to two academic partners of the Technical University Berlin as a whole involved five medium-sized companies. The TU Berlin has taken over the coordination of the project.

Biotechnology is a key technology of the 21st century, which is the basis for the production of many pharmaceuticals, industrial Biocatalysts, but increasingly also by basic and fine and specialty chemicals. Experts from industry and science will appreciate that already by 2030 one third of global industrial production is derived from biotechnological processes. Bio processes are sustainable and resource-friendly. The corresponding catalysts are generated at low cost on the basis of renewable raw materials and work under mild reaction conditions. Shorter development times for organic processes, which is currently 5-8 very long years in comparison to other industrial processes is a major challenge for achieving the ambitious goals of the AutoBio-Federation. With the reduction of development times through a strategic approach should also the relatively high investment risks and costs be drastically reduced. “Within the framework of the project to develop the areas of Bioprocess Engineering, measuring and control technology from the Faculty of Sciences, III process, the TU Berlin in close coordination with the five medium-sized companies involved in the project (BioSilta Europe GmbH, BRAIN AG, infoteam Software AG, Organobalance GmbH, subjunctive precision sensing GmbH), strategies and methods, including the industry-standard quality by design” (QbD), to efficiently develop bio-process-based products and the potential of the methodology first, from the company, product examples to demonstrate.

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