July Monago
Monago will make a Government of seven councils and will count on independent. One considers to end the provincial delegations of the Meeting. The keys of the conflict of Left United in Extremadura. Foreseeable the next president of Extremadura, Jose Antonio Monago, announced east Wednesday to the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, that will train a Government of seven councils made up by personnel of its equipment and independent. In addition, Monago, in declarations to the journalists, abri the doors to modulate the tax of successions in the region and to restore the tax of patrimony to the lifted rents more. It announced it to Monago after the interview that maintained during almost two hours with Rajoy in the office of this in the Congress. Thanks to the predicted abstention from the three parliamentarians obtained by IU in the region, the candidate of the PP will become the new frontier president foreseeably once completes the debate of investiture, days 7 and 8 of July.
The tax of successions is competition of the Meeting, and the idea of Monago, a priori, it consists of modulating it according to the amount of the inheritances. The tax of patrimony, however, depends on the central Executive, although the intention is the one to burden the most well-off rents to avoid than ” especulen”. Monago stood out that such pretensions are comprehensible for the PP although they are turned aside of the fiscal plan of the national direction, in favor to smooth out the tax pressure to stimulate the consumption. The leader of the popular frontier dwellers also considers to end with the provincial delegations of the frontier Meeting, as well as the excess of advisers del that prepares the frontier president. The possibility of ending the office of the ex-president of the region, like which it has Juan Carlos Rodriguez Ibarra, is a decision of the Table of the regional Parliament, remembered. People of Monago confidence want to have, at the most, to a ten of confidence people, she said to the journalists, and that body not only will integrate leaders or positions of the frontier PP, but also professional other people’s to the party. Thus, the Presidency that he heads will abrir the possibility to the best university and professional files of Extremadura to that they are united to its equipment.
Although the deficit of the independent community is not of highest of Spain, Monago will foment an economic policy of saving and containment and will give more protagonism to the company deprived, so that it will be able to occupy scopes until now only reserved to the powers public, for example in agriculture. In words of the frontier leader, Rajoy has given an ample manoeuvre margin him and it has entrusted to him to always use ” the sense comn” with so favoring the economic recovery of the region. The president of the PP already knows the names the equipment of Government of Monago and has given the approval all of them. The frontier candidate, however, did not need the names. Yes it pointed that they will be seven, that some do not have party membership card and that the chosen ones already know, by he himself, that Monago has them. Source of the news: Extremadura will study to restore the tax of patrimony to the lifted rents more.