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National Curricular Parameters

March 10th, 2014

FINAL CONSIDERAES We conclude the thought vision, if to fight them to me against the practical alienation through one pedagogical one, where the professor of physical education amongst others, obtains to make a revolution of the thought in the children and adolescents, thinking about them, while future operating citizens in the society. So that this the bibliographical work obtained to have theoretical support, including authors who understand and already they had commented on the subject, was necessary to study educative, social questions, politics, economic and we can and is necessary to have in sight that the Brazilian educators have many difficulties in working with the context of the pupils and with the construction of values you discipline from them. There we have in the world of the art LEAN authors (2002) and ABUD (2005), therefore followed the parallels between music and formation citizen so important for the accomplishment of the same. The work considered and objectified to use the Hip-Hop as a learning instrument and formation of values that could go beyond the pedagogical custom of the PCNs, thus making, the pupils of 6 to 9 year Municipal School President Tancredo Snows will reflect on the current context of the society where they live. The joined subjects did not have pursuings of the same lines of objectives delimited in this work, therefore, this were mainly based on the National Curricular Parameters of Basic Ensino of physical education, beyond removed texts of the Internet and on books indirectly to the work. The bibliographical article was possible to show through the authors, who the Hip-Hop, can assist in practical the pedagogical one of the classroom, really contributes for the formation citizen of the pupils and can obtained to reach the proposals in the PCNs, because the existing social problems meet weak due that go inside for of classroom disentailed of the miditica culture.


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