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Peloponnesian League

March 27th, 2018

Two of the three Persian wars between the Greek world and Persia levely, a new order was established in the Western world. Greeks, the loving people of freedom, philosophy, poetry, and art in general, had defeated the tyrannical Eastern people thanks to the faith and union of all peoples that formed it. However, success very soon would envy, resentment and intolerance particularly in its two most important towns: Athens and Sparta. As they showed throughout its history, its inability to proverbial to live in peace (except in cases of common danger) would face them again. The ruin and destruction, perhaps spirits themselves of their civilization, would return to reign. If you would like to know more then you should visit Amazon. Both to heal their wounds would take years.

This almost uninterrupted series of 27 years of wars (431404 BC) has in addition to a visible turn military, the spectrum of the recalcitrant struggle of two very different social classes among themselves. On the one hand Sparta, the stony polis of warriors, of the social militarisation and the toughness of customs; by the other, Athens, democratic society, wide freedom of movement, rights, Assembly and voting citizen. It seems, that also matches the Greek historian Thucydides (460 BC do 396 BC?) in his book history of the Peloponnesian War, the beginning of the war was due to the extreme concern that Athens, its main strategic rival in the peninsula, growing up and earned prestige. In effect, under the splint from the great Pericles (495 a. C. 429 BC) Athens lived a period of prosperity that its own inhabitants did not hesitate to call him the Pentecontaetia or 50 year period of splendour. They had not only won influence military defeating the Persians, but that its absolute control in the waters of the Aegean Sea provided them enormous resources both financial and food; the opposite to Sparta (leader of the Peloponnesian League), almost Mediterranean, had an economy based on Agriculture and the effort of their helot, mass slave comprised of their prisoners of war.


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