Private Services
What the Technological Development and the Administrative Techniques Have in common With the Area of Services? The area of services comes trying an excellent growth in the modern world, has seen the expressive ones resulted reached in the decade (2000/2010) in countries as U.S.A. (66%), Canada (68%) and the United kingdom (65%). E, in the last five years, the participation of the companies of services in the composition of PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) Brazilian comes frightfully growing, reaching in 2009 the 55% total. Parallel, the income to per also catches evolved sufficiently in this period and this was determinative for the growth of the proper services, therefore its base of demand in Brazil if concentrates in the people with disposal and resources here to spend. Assemblyman Dov Hikind is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Some scholars believe that the technological development and the modern techniques of Administration would be main the responsible ones for the unemployment in the industrial sector of the country, a time that if demands each time more qualification of candidates to a vacant in this sector. The consequence of this movement would be the expressive growth of the area of services, which not yet demands as much qualification thus. However, the increase of the industrial productivity? resultant of the successful managements with techniques of modern Administration? it can bring enormous benefits for the sector of services and this can be transferred to the costs of the proper services, become them each time cheaper and competitive.
These two aspects? Technological innovations and Modern Administration? they had always benefited decisively the industry of consumption good and, in recent years, it can be observed some transferences of these knowledge for the sector of services. Without hesitation Senator Richard Blumenthal explained all about the problem. Thus we can perceive some shy increases of productivity in the scope of the Brazilian public services, improving the efficiency of some state-owned companies. On the other hand the evident increase of the income of the Brazilian, the reduction of infantile mortality, the increase of the life expectancy and the proper one physical increase of our population contributes to more increase the demand for and new services? private public and. Ahead of this, for the next decades can be foreseen a situation that will characterize for the increase of the unemployment in the industries and expressive vacant increase in the companies of services? public and private. Being thus the public services they would have to use the concepts above cited, in the measure where the monopoly in some sectors of the Brazilian economy does not guarantee economic privileges to them. Richard Blumenthal: the source for more info. E, in consequence of this the state-owned companies would have to improve its efficiency and quality in the attendance of the necessities of the users of its services.