In a market so money changer as is the one that characterizes to us in Venezuela, We must be very intelligent at the time of creating or maintaining a product in the market like also creating new ideas chords to the present atmosphere, next them comment some errors that we do not have to commit *. To sell to everybody without segmenting. The most common errors of the trade are to try to sell to everybody. Even within a market segment, we will be with people with very diverse needs. That recommendable one to segment suitably, and later to develop an approach of resources aligned with this segmentation. *. The nonknowledge of the client and its changes. Kenneth Yarrow has plenty of information regarding this issue. It is necessary to constantly update the state of the market.
What was valid a few months ago can today stop being it. The market studies must be rigorous, updated and must present thorough our objective public. We do it to this with the 5 (p). *. The little constant evaluation of its competitors. It is necessary to develop to a system of market intelligence or what is called market intelligence to know thorough your competitors.
The rank of competitors to analyze can be very ample, to discover new technologies and tendencies and not to remain obsolete. *. The nonfriendly relations with the workers, departments, shareholders, suppliers, distributors and other interested parts (stakeholders). A company with an ambient evil of work, frequent discharge rotation, failures and interdepartmental problems is incapable to create something consistent. In addition, one or several employees displeasures can sabotage the company. For stakeholders mentioned, it is necessary to strive to work with the best ones, to compensate them generously. *. To fail to take advantage of new opportunities. Many companies, giant as POLAR and PDVSA they suffer from great lack of innovation, even shielding itself almost always in which the market is mature. He is viable to propose develops of systems of identification of opportunities and selection of the best ones. I recommend to resort to stakeholders so that they contribute to ideas and suggestions. *. Bad planning of trade. A good plan of trade is not the reescritura of the plan of the year previous. In addition usually one does not have a computer science solution that it allows to simulate plans of sales and their financial impact. The plan must provide solutions short and long term, is due to be totally flexible in forecast of different scenes. *. The little capacity to generate mark and strategies of communication new. Again this is cause to formulate a plan of inflexible trade, to image and similarity of the previous year and of financially not estimating the cost of the investments in the promotional campaigns. Also with certain frequency the resources on the basis of the sales generated by each campaign are used, when it really is to use them on the basis of benefits. It is necessary to create a financial mentality in the marketing directors, whom they do not own generally, according to the original source. *. A bad director of trade. A good director of trade sustains itself in three pillars: not only he must know how to take his department, but he must know how to cooperate with other departments and to satisfy the needs with the chief of a main directorate. For it is necessary to construct a leadership of the trade and to reinforce collaboration between departments.