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The Public

November 21st, 2012

The education is the only capable way for transformation social human being them individuals, conduzindos them for a vision criticizes, acquiring knowledge and preparing them to live in society and assuming its citizenship. (MARX, apud MANACORDA, 1991, p.27). Marx, apud defending Manacorda idealist of the freedom of the man of collective and ideological knowing ahead of its vision says that: ' ' the formal education is indispensable in the life of the man, and priority for all the citizens, since infancy the life adulta' '. 1.4 – The popular movements in the educational context Are estimated, in this definition, that what it exists a priori is condition of classroom, that is given by the place that the citizen occupies in the world of the work and, consequentemente, in the society, but that to be Movement she is necessary to consist as such and if to place in movement. It is considered, also, that the construction of a collective identity is not data or an essence, but a product of exchanges, negotiations, decisions and conflicts. (MELUCCI, 2001, P.

22). The social movements are understood as organized citizens that if ahead place in an expression politics of the society, that has the conditions of reproduction of the life, that have a relation with the work and that alive a worthy life. In this direction they are people that they demand its proper rights universally. Since the decade of twenty, more specifically after the week of modern art and later with the manifestos of the new school, already if spoke in a popular education that was right of all. In this scene, in 1959 educators and intellectuals they had launched a movement in defense of the public school when understanding that the economic development of the country if passed necessarily for the education, much more technique, to teach to make, of what classic forming intellectuals.


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