
Archive for March, 2012

Planet Climate Summit

March 28th, 2012
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Moscow hosted an international forum 'Pure Water 2009'. Planet ahead of a summit in Copenhagen. The Russian president signed a federal law on energy saving. 'Climatic' destination in Russia and Europe. Abnormally warm November.

Enhanced protection of spruce and pine trees began on the eve of New Year holidays. Climate change will lead to wars and worst impact on women. Products and global warming. Biofuels will save the planet of greenhouse gas emissions. PHOTO of the week: Tigress Putin and manta ray. Review of the week from 23.11.2009 to 11.29.2009. 'Climatic' destination in Russia and Europe last week, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has appointed the former head of Rosgidromet Alexander Bedritsky presidential advisor on climate issues.

As the presidential administration, Bedritsky will be responsible for the formation and promotion of the Russian negotiating position in the field of change climate in international multilateral fora, including the 'Group of Eight' and G20, as well as to represent the Russian president on climate change in multilateral fora. In the presidential administration said that Bedritsky has many years of experience in the climate negotiations, is highly respected in this field, both in Russia and in international circles. Sam Alexander Bedritsky, commenting on his appointment, noted that the establishment new post 'climate' of the Presidential Adviser Russia demonstrates the seriousness of the plans and intentions of Russia in dealing with global climate change. The new 'Climatic' position appeared in EC: European Commission in the new composition of the first post of European Commissioner for Climate, which will take Dane Connie Hedegor.

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President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

March 21st, 2012
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Results of the un conference in Bali Last Saturday, December 16, ended with the un conference in Bali. She has been hot debate, as well as many important decisions that will affect the way kotoryeserezneyshim soon the future of humanity. At the very end of the deferred discussion of the problem of global warming. The last days of the Forum noted the achievement of a compromise agreement to launch negotiations on further reductions in carbon dioxide. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called it 'good news', is encouraging with respect to safer from an environmental point of view of the future of humanity. In Bali agreed also that the end of 2009 the negotiations under un auspices will take concrete commitments by the parties. The new treaty, known as the Bali 'roadmap', will replace the current Kyoto protocol, the term which will expire in 2012.

Speaking at the presentation of the report of the un Development Programme (UNDP) 'Human Development', Ban drew attention to the Bali forum on the main conclusion that global warming may slow progress of human development. "Climate change is already beginning to affect the poorest and most vulnerable countries and populations around the world '- according to the authors of the report. According to them, the growth the average temperature of the planet in coming decades by three degrees Celsius in the lifetime of our generation would lead to flooding, melting glaciers and massive displacements of people, as well as to reduce production supply. 'All the scientists in one voice say that climate changes are visible to the naked eye, they are global in nature and are the first victims are the poor countries ", – stressed the head of the international community.


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

March 15th, 2012
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President Medvedev said that Russia's time to pay attention to the ecology of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Saturday at a meeting with students of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, said that the Russian economy is now sufficiently developed to be able to deal with environmental problems. At present, Russia has reached the level of public institutions to draw attention to the environment, said Mr. President. He reminded the students that a few years ago the country was not up to tackling environmental problems. Dmitry Medvedev also said that in some Russian regions has developed a very unfavorable from an environmental point of view the situation.

'Through 10-20-30 years, we can be in a situation where a significant part of the territories would not be suited to life. Environmental issues – are matters of life safety population ', – said Medvedev. Russia's interest in enforcement of environmental legislation is based not only on current world trends, but also the need to address existing environmental problems, according to President Medvedev. Mitvol could lose his position and authority Rosprirodnadzor and clouds gathered again over the principal deputy head of the country prirodozaschitnikom Rosprirod supervision Olek Mitvol. On Wednesday Last week the media reported that the deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor Mitvol could turn into an official and special envoy for the head of department Vladimir Kirillov – the new staffing Rosprirodnadzor, prepared for the service, for it will not be fixed specific functions. Mitvol deprived of his office – he as a freelancer premises is not allowed.

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Regional Council for Gender Violence

March 8th, 2012
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He has been appointed Chairman of the Regional Council for Gender Violence, by Esperanza Aguirre, president of the Community of Madrid, and becomes one to ask if the teacher Neira is ready or is best suited to preside over the 'Regional Council' or, if on the contrary, we are not another case of alleged political opportunism Esperanza Aguirre. "The days pass, the months are coming, and my black tears and mourn so much, I recommend that I leave my house and leave my two young children of the soul still – alone. My husband beats me everyday . … it seems that the habit and the desire to abuse by mistreating and the desire for superiority, brute force, of which I have faith that the …-, and am threatened with death "and prayed a letter I received from a good friend of my youth, studies courses together.

Her name is Star: delicate, beautiful, intelligent and suffering where is … He is living history, now and not before, their history of fear of women to men, and his heart into the darkness, bleeding, pain at the lack of protection that is … many stars in the sky, how many 'Stars' are being battered today … Too many would say one. Both people-the father of Mari Luz (sadly killed in 2008) and Mr. Neira – were, in principle, reasonably well in defending positions: the apparent murder of a less-than be in heaven, "and the alleged gender violence exerted by Ramon Antonio Puerta in the person of his girlfriend.
