Tropical Treasures
The mangostino the king of the fruits of south-east of Asia the mangostino, natural of the south-east of Asia, has been called the king of the fruits and food of the Gods. Much people, including queen Victoria have acclaimed, it like most delicious of all the fruits. Several that has proven it have described it to taste bittersweet, similar to the peach, pineapple, the strawberry, the grape and the apple. Traditional applications of the mangostino the Chinese traditional medicine and ayurveda have used the mangostino by thousands of years in topical or ingested form, to support to the systems immunological, digestive and structural, besides supporting to the brain and the skin. The scientific study of the mangostino the investigation more exciting than has been conducted with the mangostino has been realised with the discovery of xantones. Xantones compounds are chemical agents of structure of polifenoles, similars to the flavonoides. Until now, chemically diverse the 200 scientists have isolated xantones.
Of those, more than 40 they are in the mangostino, including three xantones that is shortage that has benefits quimo-protectors. These xantones were isolated recently by a team of scientists, among them the Vice-president of Sciences of the Health and Educative Services of NSP, Dr. William J. Keller. No other fruit can be compared to him, especially when you consider that in the nature it often does not happen the formation of xantones. Numerous studies have supported the many benefits derived from xantones against the diseases, including their uses for the respiratory, circulatory and immunological health.
The Dr. James Duke, a etnobotnico very known that worked for the USDA by 35 years, has given multiple properties of compounds found in the mangostino, including their advantages for the care of the skin, its cardiovascular support and to maintain the sanguineous glucose normal energy levels. Tropical Noni Tonic of Polynesia the fruit, the leaves and the root of noni was used in the Polynesia long before which the written history of the region began.