
Archive for March, 2014


March 30th, 2014
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Martim Enriques Uchoa was of the city of Toledo in Spain, of where it changed with conde D. Enrique to the conquest of Portugal; he was noble of that kingdom of the house of this nickname. It was the room grandson of Peter Affonso Uchoa, rich man of the empire of king D. Diniz, and of this it was also room grandson Affonso Vaz Uchoa, young man noble of the house of king D. Affonso V, being great-grandfather of Francisco Uchoa, of who descended the bachelor Francisco Andres Ucha, natural of Irada, the jurisdiction of Bragana in Portugal. Its weapons are found in the book of the Tower of the Tumble, fl 73. The Uchas had come to Brazil in the period of the United kingdom of Portugal and Spain, as it consists, the invitation of the Hispanic-lusitana cut to help in the settling. As they had noble ancestry, they had emigrated at the time as clerks and storekeepers from the cut as one of the families who were not merchant peasants and yes, with the objectives to control captainships, to form flags to prear indians, to discover mines and wealth and to negotiate slaves to the crown. It all has Uchas in the state of Pernambuco, the coast to hinterland, also appearing in Rio De Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Recife, Petrolina, Salgueiro and Belm of the San Francisco, but in well small number, not being generally numerous family. This Ucha family associaou itself for businesses, politics and marriages with the families of the Farm Pan D? Water, as well as the Trapi and the Caribbean.


The Districts

March 17th, 2014
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During more than a century the Island is local of plantation of sugar cane-of-sugar and creation of bovine cattle; after that it fishes, it of the whale starts to be the main economic activity until the end of century XVIII. Vera Cross is emancipated politically, desmembra of the city of Itaparica for force of the State Law n.1.773/62, of 31 of July of 1962. With passing of the years, quickly Vera Cross assumes its true vocation, becoming one of the tourist points more visited of the country and the first tourist destination of the Bahia. Its total population? it fixes and floating platform? it reaches the house of the 200 a thousand in the station summer. According to IBGE, the current counting the 37,567 inhabitants are equal (2010). Geography, Climate and division politics the High one of the Urubu with 128m, in Matarandiba, the Outeiro of the Faustina with 104m, in Great Sea, and the Mirante of the Maragojipinho with 94m, in Islet, is geographic accidents that all constitute the rare exceptions in the predominantly plain topography of the city. The coordinates of the Municipal Headquarters are: Lat.

12 572 45.39' ' S and Long. 38 362 24.54' ' W. The Climate is Tropical (hot and humid), with temperatures that vary between 25 and 31C. The Districts are: Sea Great (Headquarters: Hard, Riachinho, Jaburu, Source of the Silver); Bar of the Gil; Jiribatuba; Cacha Pregos. The Villages are: Islet; Gamboa; Gameleira; Penha; Taipoca; Crown; Baiacu; Berlinque; Conceio; Great bar; Matarandiba; Jiribatuba; Tairu; Aratuba. They are the six towns: Juerana; Porrozinho; Thick tip; Campinas; Catu; Sobrado port. The bordering cities are: to the North, Itaparica; to the South, Jaguaripe; the East, Salvador; the West, Jaguaripe and Salinas of the Daisy. 1.4. How To arrive the Vera Cross? For the Sea, through the System Ferry Boat, from the terminal of They are Joaquin, or of Motor boats, from the terminal of the Market Model, in the Quarter of the Commerce in Salvador.


National Curricular Parameters

March 10th, 2014
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FINAL CONSIDERAES We conclude the thought vision, if to fight them to me against the practical alienation through one pedagogical one, where the professor of physical education amongst others, obtains to make a revolution of the thought in the children and adolescents, thinking about them, while future operating citizens in the society. So that this the bibliographical work obtained to have theoretical support, including authors who understand and already they had commented on the subject, was necessary to study educative, social questions, politics, economic and we can and is necessary to have in sight that the Brazilian educators have many difficulties in working with the context of the pupils and with the construction of values you discipline from them. There we have in the world of the art LEAN authors (2002) and ABUD (2005), therefore followed the parallels between music and formation citizen so important for the accomplishment of the same. The work considered and objectified to use the Hip-Hop as a learning instrument and formation of values that could go beyond the pedagogical custom of the PCNs, thus making, the pupils of 6 to 9 year Municipal School President Tancredo Snows will reflect on the current context of the society where they live. The joined subjects did not have pursuings of the same lines of objectives delimited in this work, therefore, this were mainly based on the National Curricular Parameters of Basic Ensino of physical education, beyond removed texts of the Internet and on books indirectly to the work. The bibliographical article was possible to show through the authors, who the Hip-Hop, can assist in practical the pedagogical one of the classroom, really contributes for the formation citizen of the pupils and can obtained to reach the proposals in the PCNs, because the existing social problems meet weak due that go inside for of classroom disentailed of the miditica culture.


Venezuelan Management

March 3rd, 2014
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Generar one better external image, thanks to the relations based on the confidence in the long term Facilitar the transition between control generations because ways share to act and to progress. ethical Aumentar in all the levels of the company falling the done losses dishonest, robberies or frauds. Facilitar the selection of personnel, thanks to profiles previously defined. Desarrollar a chain of reliable leadership and jeopardizes with the philosophy of the company Conclusiones Venezuela our interest, it struggles in the present in a turbulent scene thanks to the political instability and to many effects that the present revolutionary government has generated bolivariano, who is pawned on instituting a new socialism according to the characteristics of the modern times. All this has originated that the Venezuelan enterprise sector at the moment confronts a serious crisis in its operativity, productivity, until the end, of that many companies are retired officer, closed.

All this has brought consequently also that they indicate serious changes in the management of the ones in charge of his operativity and a new leadership is pronounced that knows to develop within a management of values that allows, of adopting a philosophy of management, enterprise moral and in agreement with some line of thought clearly defined. Present Tngase, that the management looks for, that the members of the enterprise organization are committed and acted of way coordinated and coherent with respect to the enterprise philosophy. It remembers what it contributes to us, that a management based on the value, constitutes the tool more powerful than it owns a company to measure and to identify the sources of his generation within the company, because it allows to the union between the financial decisions and the strategies of long term of the company..
