Heating bills 2012 check / savings day 2013: five heating tips as an alternative to the piggy bank of Berlin, 28 October 2013. Save with the tag cash account or the bank book hardly worthwhile. The current low interest rates at banks are to blame. Experts advise on the occasion of the Weltspartags on the 30.10, prefer to calculate the heating energy consumption. Consumers should take their heating costs under the microscope on the subject of saving because here they can save lots of money with small energy-saving measures,”Stefanie advises Jank, project manager of the heating mirror campaign of the non-profit co2online GmbH (www.heizspiegel.de). To detect whether the own heating energy consumption is too high, and what savings are available, tenants and owners can check their heating expenses settlement 2012 professionally with the free heating advice of co2online.
The heating opinion analyses the consumption – and cost items of the heating expenses settlement or heating energy bill, rated the building or apartment based on regional comparison values and gives recommendations to increase savings to exploit. To order a personal opinion of the heating only the coupon on heizspiegel.de must be filled in and submitted together with a copy of the slip. Again, tenants and owners can save, because the heating opinion is supported by the Federal Ministry of the environment and is free of charge. Outside the eligibility period, the delivering of the opinion of a heating costs 35 euros. Tips beat day money account shows a comparison: for consumers, it is more lucrative to reduce the own heating costs with the help of five tips to open as a day money account. Who puts all five tips, can save up to 245 euro heating costs in one year. The interest for 5,000 euros on the day cash account with the currently highest rate of 1.51% p.a.
be only 75 euros. Money values of tips: draw the curtains at night! Especially in the winter, curtains and blinds should be closed at night. So, less heat escapes and there can be saved annually up to 40 euros. In the winter and autumn only shock airing! Tilted Windows unnecessarily cool the rooms during the cold seasons. Through shock airing is, however, to sufficient supply of fresh air, and heating energy saved. A saving of up to 125 euros a year is possible. Lower the room temperature! Six percent reduces the temperature in the apartment to a level can be saved per year energy costs. 60 Euro are savings, if based on annual heating costs around 1,000 euros. Bleed the radiators! Growls and gurgles of the radiators, air is likely. Every year around 15 euros can be saved by regular bleeding of the radiator bleed key. Install wall insulation behind radiators! An insulation of walls behind the radiators reduced heat loss. This brings an annual saving of about five euros per radiator. Through co2online the non-profit co2online GmbH () is committed to the reduction of the a climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Interactive EnergiesparChecks, an energy savings, heat mirrors and heating advice she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. A strong network supports various information campaigns with partners from media, science, economy and politics. From 2004 to date, co2online created more than 70,000 heating advice. “The heating advice () are within the framework of campaign seeking climate protection” promoted by the national climate protection initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment.
garden & home factory, house
It is but to assume that the genetic structures of our social behaviour, which have evolved over the course of millions of years in small groups and strengthened, adapted in the short period of time that has elapsed since the emergence of the first civilizations, not this. We show that is also in that the social environment of today’s people largely consists of small groups and the family, friends and colleagues, with whom have regular direct contact, is rarely more than a hundred people. Man is not committed to the anonymity and impenetrability large companies he prefers personal contact and is especially concerned with his own fortune and that of his relatives. That he is still able to be able to live their Bevolkerung is counted in millions, in States based on an understanding in the need that living together in such a narrow space of generally binding regulation is needed. But even if the man of a reason gifted beings is, its biological heritage you can not educate off him. Government the State and its regulations are a necessary evil, that enables the individual to freedom and personal interaction to organize large groups. It is an Alliance of expediency that is always in danger to mutate for the mere sake. On the facade of the Federal Chancellery, a quote from Albert Einstein stood in the anniversary year 2005: The Government is for the people and not the people for the State.
“As far as the theory, the reality gives a completely different impression however. Those responsible in politics and in the administrations tend to to finance the social life of citizens, with an abundance of laws and regulations to regulate in detail and then the whole thing with just as extensive as imaginative taxes, contributions and fees. So is the State rate, i.e. the proportion of Government and Government-related economic activity on the economic performance in Germany at nearly 50%.
Politics, society & social issues
Where is Turkey, and where it can turn together with the countries themselves, one way or another connected with it, whether in matters of regional or global politics? This question becomes relevant again after starting last week of November 2009, almost the entire country is creeping Kurdish rebellion, has already received a number of global media the name of "Kurdish intifada" – a reference peaceful uprisings against the occupation of the Palestinian Arabs Israel. What does this all relate to the Transcaucasus, the entire Caucasus region? Exploring Kurdish sources, it appears that is not the last. And in all these conversations and analytical reasoning, and attempts to forecast frankly amateurish predictions and finds a place subject thwarted by the Turkish authorities, and even more still coming military coup in this country. Which, of course, must rely on external support – Guess with three times, helping the revolutionaries of this country which is mainly concerned. Apparently, in the wave of arrests of participants of the "Kurdish Intifada" and the number of leaders of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) that the Turkish government launched after the issuance by the Constitutional Court's verdict on the prohibition and dissolution of the PDO (December 11), something has gone unnoticed for the vast majority of world opinion. In Anyway, Turkish President Abdullah Gul, as the Turkish journalists channel CNN Turk, asked during his intvervyu question about the threat of revolution and eventual ownership of the number of senior military officials, were good reason to talk about this topic.
Politics, the public