Consolidated results of the election, Barack Obama overwhelmingly won the presidency of the United States and made history by breaking down racial barriers in the world. Consolidated results of the election this November 4. Barack Obama wins by a majority vote abrumdra the presidency of the United States made history by breaking down racial barriers in the world. Barack Obama is the fulfillment of the dream of Martin Luther King, just 40 years after he delivered the historic speech that dreamed that one day blacks in the United States could have the same opportunities that are afforded to whites. Huseim Barack Obama makes history and pride of black people worldwide.
I know you should not say or "gringo" or "black" are two politically incorrect words. The visceral anti-Americanism one reveals, the other, racism. But the reality is more obstinate than political correctness, and the fact is that barack obama, the next president of the United States, is a gringo, and is a black. Or, if preferred, it is a black, and is a gringo. (Warning: The order of the factors changes the product).
Not to be black that obama will win the presidency (though a bit itself), nor in spite of being black (although a little too). But because of the candidates gringos is undoubtedly the best. Removed his Democratic rivals, and just fits in front until Election Day John McCain (plus two or three tiny minority, the untiring and arduous Ralph Nader, a green woman, a crazy libertarian).
By the middle of the XIX century the dominant print publication is a monthly literary community, whose main figure is not an editor or publisher and a leading critic, publicist, which defines orientation of the media. Private newspapers almost was not, and only in 1838, there are "Provincial Gazette". In Russian society at that time there were three main currents: the conservative, liberal and revolutionary-democratic, each of which had their own publications. Interests of the liberal-conservative reflect, above all, the magazine "Russian Gazette", published in 1856, MN Katkov, and speaking for abolition of serfdom in the autocracy and the rule of landed nobility. Since 1861, Katkov is actively praveet – against Herzen and Chernyshevsky condemned the Polish uprising of 1863, positioning itself statist.
And in "Russian Gazette" and in the newspaper "Moscow News", which Katkov leases since 1863, he criticized the anti-Russian European policy, the internal strife of the liberals, unmasked sedition. On liberal standing position of the newspaper "the St. Petersburg Gazette," "Our Time" magazine and "Notes of the Fatherland," Krajewski, but the most significant impact on the society was a democratic journal "Contemporary", continues chaired by N. Nekrasov. Already in the mid 50s Nekrasov has taken steps to revive the magazine after the reaction pressure 1848-1855 period, including drawing on the contributions it LN Tolstoy, IS Turgenev, IA Goncharova and others venerable authors and opened the comic section "Jumble," which "made its debut," Kozma bars. Since 1854 in the "Contemporary" begins to work NG Chernyshevsky – and as a literary critic and a publicist and politician, who started struggle for the democratization of the "Contemporary".
culture, history
The Mexican intellectual today is not yesterday's intellectual Daniel Cosio Villegas, is closer to the intellectual always revived by Octavio Paz, and if at any time cultural magazine Letras Libres Vuelta and Nexos, were confronted by Carlos Fuentes and Octavio Paz, the only one who was invited, he said, had to leave because he said that Mexico was the perfect dictatorship to a democracy so flawed, it was Mario Vargas Llosa, returning to Mexico and say FIL Guadalajara in Mexico to live a perfect democracy, dictatorship or not so very imperfect. Time with the thought makes Mexican intellectuals redouble their efforts and also unfold in their group interests, and when the culture industry the board, one can show why and how the market wants to see how one's listen and read: integrated, not full, but why and how to ask the Mexican intellectual who is not a diner ethically and morally restrained, if it is what sets it apart from a dog fighting bones? a What leads to deduct it as a future for Mexico is a proposal that can be scheduled in the six years-three-year program that subtracts from Calderon, can be an extension of more errors than hits, because in Camin and Castaneda certainty is the wandering of the President, putting more rocks to the path of what they ever imagined it would put: your own character with his wayward son in a carrier and on the way we walk, stumbling, he being -the first to go face down, and faced with high forehead, with a military helmet protecting him from all the blows, and yet avoid falling into a padded encobijados who were executed by drug hitmen. .
Vladimir M. Greene was born January 1, 1959 in the village Zhilino Rossoshanskij district of Voronezh region. In 1981 he graduated from the Voronezh Agricultural Institute. Glinka, and in December 2001 – Voronezh Branch of the Russian Civil Service Academy under the RF President. In November 1991, Vladimir Grinev appointed head of the city administration and Rossosh Rossoshanskij area.
In 1995, 1999 and was elected head of 2003godah Local Government Area. In position as head of the municipal district and is working now. Since 2000. Annually, VM Grinev awarded with diplomas and memorable signs on the basis of economic competition between the workers of agriculture Voronezh region for increasing production efficiency and quality. In 2001, for services to education development in the region of Vladimir Rossoshanskij Grinev awarded the badge "Honorary Worker general education of the Russian Federation. " 2003 – Presidential Decree awarded the Medal of Merit in the conduct of national census. " In 2005 – by presidential decree awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit before Fatherland 'II degree.
In 2006, for his great contribution in building the Holy Temple in the city Iliinskogo Rossosh VM Grinev awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree. During his stay, VM Grineva as head of local government in the area Rossoshanskij year witnessed a steady growth of industrial production. With the direct participation of VM Grineva actively carried out gasification area, a lot of attention is paid to improvement of the city and rural areas, is constantly growing stronger material – technical basis of the social sphere. At a higher level to raise the cultural and sports life Rossoshanskij area. Vladimir Grinev married. Wife – B. Hope. The couple raised three daughters Grinev. Rossosh Rossoshanskij area
Celebrities, culture
QUALIFIED VOTING sociopolitical A proposal for democracy in Latin America. By Alfredo Gevara hard to believe that any possibility to achieve the eradication (at least in part) the ignorance of people when they have their own decision-making power, do not know what to do for a Oeno read or write . For me life circumstances "played" show them as marginalized individuals. Averigonzados I've seen some other happy for the opportunity to get out of the darkness, deprivation of ideas or knowledge. My proposal Socio-political: "the qualified vote" .- Q: secretes that vote to the citizen? Answer: Apor course not! Question: How is a the system '? Answer: The casting vote is divided into three (3) parts and as its name implies: Rate.
According to the dictionary says of the Spanish Royal Academy that … a is taken for something good or bad, depending on their CALIDADESa . Ennoiblecer. Try some nobility. "Question: Answer: i Why divided into three (3) parts? For the knowledge of each persoina Civics. For the little or much interest of the citizens "learn." Want to know that a Congressman, a Seinador, as Congress works, which are the responsibilities of a minister, a mayor, a Governor, the President of the Nation, etc.. Question: Answer: I insist: Why divided into three (3) parts? Because according to that socio-political knowledge – (and after some simple questions in a survey,) the shift goibierno could reach simple conclusions about how the people are prepared to "throw her in the box Voit, without a doubt, NO IGNORING, without the vote "sung" (much less in your pocket or bag of Don Jose or in the portfolio of Dona Juana.
On As of today, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov charged the Minister of Education to finalize the draft law "On Higher Education" and combine it with an alternative bill, registered in the parliament. Reforms Minister D. Tabachnik provoked strong resistance – both from the scientific community and from students. In late January of this year at the walls of the parliament held its first student protest, attended by about 300 participants. In parallel, the same shares were held in many cities of Ukraine. Students required to withdraw the legal education initiatives D. Tabachnik and promised massive protests in the event of failure of their requirements and further advance the bill.
Resistance to the policy of the current minister of education increases. And of course, that much of the public outrage is addressed not only D. Tabachnik, but authorities in general. Fearing that the actions of the Minister of Education may severely damage the reputation of President Yanukovich, the members of his team's start to publicly criticize the actions of the Minister Tabachnik. In particular, Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Mr. Herman said that Yanukovych will never support the concept of educational reform in this edition.
According to her, the President will do everything to Ukrainian universities have been widely government. It seems that President Yanukovych becomes a political pawn Minister Dmitry Tabachnik. In the case of realization of its destructive intentions of reforming the education sector, and the President and the Party of Regions to fully will feel the resentment of students who may soon become a major driving force behind a new wave of anti-government protests.
Accumulated reserves in early March snow water mainly on the 20-55% higher than the normal value. Most of the rivers in European Russia in the 2010 flood also may withdraw from the coast. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Yury Trutnev said that the upcoming flood can lead to environmental problems in several regions of Russia. According to the forecast MOE, flooding the zone on the territory of Russia during the spring flood may get more than 3 thousand settlements with a population of about 2 million. In addition, flooding can be about 900 objects of the economy, nearly 100 sites oil and gas pipelines, railway stations with a total length of more than 300 kilometers. Subversive teams and special units Salvation Corps of Engineers military districts are in constant readiness for the flood events generated more than 100 demolition teams and rescue squads to combat floods. Serious flooding expected in the Northern capital of Russia, where last winter's record rainfall has fallen. throughout. Petersburg, Valentina Matvienko Governor ordered to take all necessary measures to prevent emergencies that may occur in St.
Petersburg because of melting snow. Meanwhile, our neighbors are already experiencing serious problems due to high water. For example, because of the snowy winter, more than 80 homes and about 500 estates have already flooded in Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk regions in the south. And in Kazakhstan, heavy rainfall and melting snow led to the erosion of the dam and dam reservoirs Kyzyl Agash, which were flooded and destroyed several hundreds of homes in the same village with a population of more than 2500 people. Victims of floods in Kazakhstan are already 35 people.
education, Research
The difference in the construction of indoor and outdoor disconnect switches plants due to their working conditions. Outdoor disconnectors must be fitted with devices that destroy the ice crust that forms at ice. In addition, they are used to disable small load currents, and their horns are supplied with contacts for extinction of the arc that occurs between divergent pins. The use of isolators for disabling circulating currents and low load current capacity isolators enable and disable the charging currents of cable and overhead lines, magnetizing currents of power transformers, equalizing currents (the current flowing between two points is electrically connected closed network and due to the difference between stress and redistribution load at the time of disabling or enabling the electrical connection) and a small load currents is confirmed by numerous tests carried out in power. This is reflected in a number of guidance materials, governing their use. Thus, in a closed switchgear 6-10 kV disconnectors may be enabling or disabling the magnetizing currents of power transformers, battery current lines, as well as current earth fault, not exceeding the following values: When the voltage 6kV: magnetizing current – 3.5 A Charge current – 2.5 A earth fault current – 4.0 A at 10 kV voltage: magnetizing current – 3.0 A Charge current – 2.0 A earth fault current – 3.0 A Install insulation between the poles of the partitions can increase the current on and off by 1.5 times. Disconnectors, 6 – 10 kV is allowed to enable and disable circulating currents to 70 A and load currents of lines 15 And if the operations pole outdoor disconnector with a mechanical drive.
Vladimir Titarenko recently held the appointment of the Governor of the Tambov region, Tambov mayor and city manager. We wondered how this are ordinary tambovchane, potential voters. Institute social and political communication was designed and conducted on-line survey on the site of IA "Tambov-inform", whose goal was to identify the relationship tambovchan to cancel election and appointment procedure of the main parties and region. Of course, we expected that the residents of the Tambov region themselves want to participate in the selection of officials from the abilities, skills, professional skills that affect their lives, comfort, welfare and security. But the resulting survey data have several shocked.
First, the 81.39% of respondents would like to see themselves, feel and understand who they elect in vital positions. Secondly, they wanted to make clear understand their professional training, experience and personal qualities match the post. Third, they believe that only in the crucible of the election battle may crystallize and skill the ability of potential candidates for extraordinary solutions, which will depend on the vector of development and welfare of each resident. Fourth, the respondents would like to see a team that surrounds appointees, and they lead without the personal involvement of area residents. And from their professional experience is dependent mechanism for the implementation of decisions. After all, when the system crashes and no one to make a claim. Fifth, low socio-economic development are associated with non-public, closed appointees Killane in development and decision-making. Sixth, the lack of accountability to the electorate in view of removing them from the electoral process leads to a distortion of the reality show and in terms of socio-economic development. Only 10.22% of respondents are willing to surrender to chance, "luck or bad luck" with the appointee. And the 8.38% – those who do not care what happens in their lives and around them. Thus, the study again showed that underestimate and ignore the degree of participation and voleizyavleniya absolute majority (81.39%) in the formation of both the executive and legislative branches, dangerous.
the public
Actively defend its interests, Russia began only in the xviii century. Kabarda, which in the xvi century, was formally incorporated into Russia has repeatedly changed its status. This is due to the rise of Iran in 40 years in connection with the reign of Nadir Shah. By Reshtskomu contract in 1732 and 1735 Russia was deprived of influence around the Caspian Sea region, and on Belgrade peace in 1739 Kabarda was declared neutral territory. The death of Nadir Shah in 1747 Iran displays the number of strong players, leaving the arena, Russia and Turkey. Active struggle between these two powers unfolded in the course Russian-Turkish war of 1769 – 1774 years.
By Kucuk- world in 1774 Russia withdrew large areas of the Caucasus and Fore – including Kabarda, again forming part of Russia. However, until the end of xix century, the territory will Kabarda be influenced by both Turkey and Iran. But from the moment of signing Kucuk- contract begins gradual transformation of the Caucasus from the external to internal problems, which reinforces the need to develop associated land. Thus, Kabarda could not be a reliable base for Russia in the Caucasus region, because it was exposed to an active foreign influence. And "internal" reason explains such foreign relationship Kabardins. Social system of Kabardian society very different from other Caucasian peoples. By the time the Russian conquest of mountaineers had the two main types of social order. They either submit to hereditary rulers of the local Muslim nobility, or form a self-governing community, headed by the elected community.