They think, that we must globalise itself but without giving nor mortgaging our national cultural patrimony. On the matter of this the questions fit: It is controlling it the National Government? How it affects our culture? What measures must be taken on the matter? How the cultural industrialists will act of the country. Others, however, see the globalisation like a great opportunity integrate us to the first world, no longer in the politician, nor economic, but in the communications and the image. And, that by the others, in last instance considers that international insertion does not depend already on the elites that they act to the defensive, but of the masses of anonymous consumers who are only in tune what they want to see among manifolds and varied supplies for all the pleasures. The certain thing, as it comments B. Subercaseaux, the local cultural industries, cannot ignore to the globalisation and to be to the margin, they are not other people’s to the great tendencies of the contemporary economy: the increasing globalisation and after nationalization of the culture (of the publicity, the publishing work, the audio-visual production, etc.) is not other people’s to the internationalization of the economy and the insoslayable relation between passivity and mercantilizacin. Of there, the restlessness of which will have to be the paper of the state in this scene that cannot be eluded, that already is being pronounced. For N. Lechner (Political and Culture and vice versa, Notebooks of Forum 90, State and culture No.5, CINDE, Santiago, Chile, 1993), it indicates that the State is called to act on a cultural field more and more internationalized, implies to develop a modern cultural policy that assumes, without plus that fact. The globalisation is an irreversible fact and, by as much, to insist on affirming in defending the national culture against the contamination by foreign ideas, is only going to mean to stay in defensive and protectionistic positions that to anything lead.
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TO THE THREAD OF KILLER IDENTITIES OF MAALOUF " Asesinas" identities; (Publishing Alliance, Madrid, 1999) it is the enthusiastic denunciation of Maalouf to the madness that it urges the men to kill itself to each other in the name of an ethnic group, language, religion or " color of piel". The existence of individuals in common territories, with different cultural influences is an evident fact and undeniable, quid of the question rests on in the assimilation and interpretation that becomes of this reality. This coexistence has had, and has, positive and negative effects. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Amazon. The multicultural reality is in enriching itself, but it entails the risk of tears and extremisms. Maalouf comes to say that with the globalisation they cause the emergencia of local cultures, rescues third cultures and creates other own ones, therefore, it promotes the cultural diversity. The author is going to put of relief one of the more surprising human characteristics: the capacity to kill to its resemblances, making a review of all justifications that have been used, by Humanity. As if a genealogical tree one was, it narrates his own history, emphasizing his properties and nonproperties, the bases of the characteristics of his personality, that it denominates or traspola identity. Multicoloured identity in religions, cultures, types of education, language and a whole that is difficult to assign him a concrete property and particularista but that far from to depersonalize to him takes to him to a complete idea of himself that, no religious, political belief or of any other nature could justify its death at the hands of another equal. It combines strictly anthropological aspects as the explanation of how the man has changed of identity throughout history: times were people who make think that there was then a single fundamental property, so superior us to the others about all the circumstances, that this justifying to denominate it identity . Official site: Sen. Sherrod Brown.
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The consumption is one of those errors. That insatiable appetite nothing or little has to do with the progress towards a possible one and still improbable it was without-hunger, post-shortage, but with most primitive it was of gula and the greed. We do not say with an instinct animal, because neither from Leon one monopolizes the savannah nor practices the systematic extermination of their victims, and because until the pigs they are satiated sometimes. The culture of the consumption has been mistaken in several aspects. Amazon may find this interesting as well. First, it has contradicted the condition before indicated, happening over the cultural diversities, replacing them by his universal trinkets or creating one pseudo diversity where a Japanese worker or a German clerk can enjoy two days of Peruvian crafts done in China or five days of the most beautiful concerned Venetian curtains of Taiwan before they are broken by the use. Secondly, because also the ecological balance has threatened its limitless extractions and their returns in the form of immortal sweepings.
Concrete examples we can around observe them ours. We could say that it is a luck that a worker can enjoy the comforts that before were reserved only to the high class, the unproductive classes, the consuming classes. However, that consumption induced by the cultural and ideological pressure is had often turned into the purpose of the worker and an instrument of the economy. What by logic it means that the individual-tool has become means of the economy like individual-consumer. About almost all the developed countries or on the way to that development model, the furniture that invades the markets is thought to last few years. Or few months. They are tuna, they have good view as almost everything in the culture of the consumption, we watched but them fixedly they line, they lose a screw or are in false square.
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We having one rate that goes up to around 25, are so that the governing organ of the health worries, because the number of injured will have very to be superior. Of being we affirmed as it, the budget of this portfolio will have to be reviewed and to be reframed. However, according to the students based on the experience of the countries advanced in road security, with the improvement of this the application of a better program is also suggested of investment in the country to the benefit of the development of the communities. In everybody, including the Dominican Republic, the affected population sector more is the one of the young people and the middle-aged ones (15-45); a great amount of women leaves his last breath in the pavement monthly; exorbitant the number of dead motorists and the one of pedestrians. Then one is due from trustworthy statistics to realise advertising campaigns to bring back to consciousness defined sectors.
Also, to promote a change of citizen culture, respect to the life and the norms, of valuation of the other users of the routes. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amazon. By the rescue of human values and fear to justice. All this last one is obtained from the home and the schools through a long process, that already is time to begin it through matters of Road Education and Road Formation. The Civil Society would have to assume the commitment to demand to him, as much to the State, the design of suitable policies, like the Political Parties to discuss the subject of Road Security in his structures and to agree it from the Legislative Power, so that as nation project is considered in carrying out the true participating democracy. In short, consequently, the State must have slope the following subjects: – that the Road Security must institutionalize with political will, since the quality of life of the population this in game. ; – that is required of a modification of the present cultural model of the citizen. – and, that the Road Security, is matter of object for the planning of good practices of public policies. Add to your understanding with Jim Donovan Goldman. Mario Holgun/President Dominican FundReD Rep. 31/01/10 original Author and source of the article.
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In the month of August of the present year, I made a personal commentary with respect to the normative reaches of Decreto Legislativo (DL) N 1057 Legislative Decree that Regulates the Special Regime of the Administrative Hiring of Services. In its opportunity, like in the present, we considered important to extend such commentary, every time in Peru, after 20 years are corrected more, partly, transgressions to the spirit of the labor laws, materialized in contractual bonds, then denominated, nonpersonal services; I tie legal under which to June of the 2008 were subjects around 90.000 Peruvians. Also, we indicated that although is certain with dacin of DL 1057 (in future DL), a problematic improvement in the labor one in the country is demonstrated, this one measurement does not constitute a solution and fits complete to the labor norms; especially if dated 25 of November of the 2008 the Regulation of this device has been published in the Official Newspaper Peruvian, the same that has been approved by means of Supreme decree (DS) N 075-2008-PCM (in future Regulation); reduced legal body that does not do more than to ratify the own ends of the first norm and to alleviate aplicativas doubts of its reaches before and after its approval; what it makes me conclude that more than to look for to provide with the service of social insurance the people who toil under this one regime, looks for to fulfill part of the emergent obligations of the Free Trade Agreement subscribed recently with the United States of North America (TLC), the same that demands the implementation of some legal mechanisms that surpass labor uncertainty and thus credits a competitiveness before the exigencies of its implementation, framing itself within the minimum exigencies established by the Organization the International of Trabajo (OIT). It is possible to limit that this one new regime of hiring (not to call it labor regime properly), is of application to all subject public organization to the Legislative Decree N 276, Law of Bases of the Administrative Race and of Remunerations of the Public Sector, and to other norms that regulate special administrative races; also, to the subject public organizations to the labor regime of the deprived activity, except the companies of the State.. (As opposed to novelist).
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Nevertheless not only the Law like activity to the service of the society, comes becoming but the own one Straight is not undamaged to all the economic, technological, cultural, political changes and of another nature, that has occurred throughout the history of the humanity and which at the moment they occur but vertiginously. In the economic scope we lived in a system of market economy, therefore the relations for the acquisition and transference of goods and/or services are placed under the premise of this economic system, with the contest of competitors and consumers, where the State has a regulating paper, before inspector; a globalisation process of the more and more progressive economy is had in addition, where the traditional factors of production go being relegated by the knowledge, the competitiveness, the quality and the megatendencias. In the technological field the computer science and the development of mass media change the daily routine of the people, the family habits, the companies, trains institutions by the creation of the necessity of the use of these means. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amazon. In the cultural area today we have much greater information of the one than our predecessors counted, due not only to the massive intellectual production but to the facility whereupon today we can secure knowledge specialized through the great existing and more and more increasing data bases. Political level we are attending the fall of totalitarian and extremist ideologies taking passage to the democracy like the political aspiration of the societies of our times. Before these and many other changes, the Right and the paper of the operator of the Right llmese Lawyer changes, being with a reality in which it must develop and develop. Amazon recognizes the significance of this. We can say that the paper of the Lawyer has evolved in relation to the roll that the society of ours continuous Original author and source of the article.
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In October of 1972 an airplane in that 45 young people traveled, many of them players of an equipment of rugby, one crashed in the Mountain range of the $andes. Twelve died because of the fall. The survivors had among others to support to things the cold end, the thirst, and the hunger. They tried to resist but its hope fell when finding out by one radio, that had give inn the search. A leading source for info: Ohio Senator. was the 10 day after the accident.
They supported lowest temperatures (30 below cero at night), snow avalanches, and finally distressed by the continuous death of their companions, two boys decided to cross immense mountains thus to arrive at Chile. This way the 22 of December of 1972, after having been during 73 days isolated, the world finds out that there are 16 survivors. One of them is Ramon Sabella. At that time Ramon Sabella was 21 years old, was student of Agrnoma Engineering and went in the airplane for being friend of some of the components of the equipment of rugby. Today in day is industralist and shares its businesses with the lecturer facet, distributing of char them around the world. For me, the essence of its message can be synthesized in this phrase: After the accident we had a passive attitude: we hoped to that they rescued to us. 10 day we listened by the radio that giveave the search, because they gave us by deads.
At first the reactions were of total decay: we suffered, we cried, we felt Later left our attitude changed and we decided to happen to the action. We begin to act to try to save we ourself to us. Our objective: TO LIVE . (Ramon Sabella) Ramon, which you create who were the key that caused that you were one of the survivors? They were many things, essentially the education that I received from my parents, Ramon and Marta.
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The mangostino the king of the fruits of south-east of Asia the mangostino, natural of the south-east of Asia, has been called the king of the fruits and food of the Gods. Much people, including queen Victoria have acclaimed, it like most delicious of all the fruits. Several that has proven it have described it to taste bittersweet, similar to the peach, pineapple, the strawberry, the grape and the apple. Traditional applications of the mangostino the Chinese traditional medicine and ayurveda have used the mangostino by thousands of years in topical or ingested form, to support to the systems immunological, digestive and structural, besides supporting to the brain and the skin. The scientific study of the mangostino the investigation more exciting than has been conducted with the mangostino has been realised with the discovery of xantones. Xantones compounds are chemical agents of structure of polifenoles, similars to the flavonoides. Until now, chemically diverse the 200 scientists have isolated xantones.
Of those, more than 40 they are in the mangostino, including three xantones that is shortage that has benefits quimo-protectors. These xantones were isolated recently by a team of scientists, among them the Vice-president of Sciences of the Health and Educative Services of NSP, Dr. William J. Keller. No other fruit can be compared to him, especially when you consider that in the nature it often does not happen the formation of xantones. Numerous studies have supported the many benefits derived from xantones against the diseases, including their uses for the respiratory, circulatory and immunological health.
The Dr. James Duke, a etnobotnico very known that worked for the USDA by 35 years, has given multiple properties of compounds found in the mangostino, including their advantages for the care of the skin, its cardiovascular support and to maintain the sanguineous glucose normal energy levels. Tropical Noni Tonic of Polynesia the fruit, the leaves and the root of noni was used in the Polynesia long before which the written history of the region began.
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Generar one better external image, thanks to the relations based on the confidence in the long term Facilitar the transition between control generations because ways share to act and to progress. ethical Aumentar in all the levels of the company falling the done losses dishonest, robberies or frauds. Facilitar the selection of personnel, thanks to profiles previously defined. Desarrollar a chain of reliable leadership and jeopardizes with the philosophy of the company Conclusiones Venezuela our interest, it struggles in the present in a turbulent scene thanks to the political instability and to many effects that the present revolutionary government has generated bolivariano, who is pawned on instituting a new socialism according to the characteristics of the modern times. All this has originated that the Venezuelan enterprise sector at the moment confronts a serious crisis in its operativity, productivity, until the end, of that many companies are retired officer, closed.
All this has brought consequently also that they indicate serious changes in the management of the ones in charge of his operativity and a new leadership is pronounced that knows to develop within a management of values that allows, of adopting a philosophy of management, enterprise moral and in agreement with some line of thought clearly defined. Present Tngase, that the management looks for, that the members of the enterprise organization are committed and acted of way coordinated and coherent with respect to the enterprise philosophy. It remembers what it contributes to us, that a management based on the value, constitutes the tool more powerful than it owns a company to measure and to identify the sources of his generation within the company, because it allows to the union between the financial decisions and the strategies of long term of the company..
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Their costs vary considerably to new 100% of agency and some even the majority present/display faults or some type of deterioration. Nevertheless, in a moment you will be able to enjoy besides a guaranteed consultant’s office, of good vehicles of second hand, because the damages that presented/displayed already previously have been repaired and upgraded in power reason why some prices they are subject to these changes and that it is worth the pain llevrselos in comparison to the practically unattainable supplies that presents/displays the rest of the Spanish market. So so that your purchase is not a total fraud and you end up losing the money that with so many efforts you have managed to reunite we recommended to you that at the time of buying the car or motorcycle of second hand you ask for information on the original papers of the same. The kilometrage, the number of frame which will indicate the original matriculation to you, marks and even model of the car that you are on the verge of buying and this way you will not have problem or you will anticipate at least, any disadvantage after the route and the use that this one has had in the past with its old proprietor. And between the aspects that also go beyond the revision of the vehicle we recommended that the transaction I took place in writing by means of a contract because is the unique endorsement which you have on an acquisition of second hand of the motorcycle, todoterreno, the convertible, the van or any other model that you have chosen.
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