
Archive for December, 2018

Political Animals Of The Swedish Academy And Its Prize Nobel Against Fear

December 17th, 2018
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We are clear: a prize Crown exemplary citizen with its action or work fosters who values for preservation of the system that grants it. You can even extol criticism, always and when its light point to the recovery or perpetuation of the political and social system on the basis of stands. Do do granted in the area granted, even recognizing merit in the scientific field, aspect where you should not deprive the political or ideological criteria at the time of sentencing, given that do not exist physical natural enigmas or chemical themselves capitalists or Socialists but already know, man and social system? for more civilized they document? they have severe contributions of animal instintualidad, guideline this organic in nature. Let’s stay clear. Not otherwise is understood why a high civilization as the West has been capable of what was recently: the most terrible wars, nuclear bomb, political persecutions and concentration camps. As if the civilization and culture were the spite of the animal nature of man, which eventually do not disappear altogether. Swallows the overwhelming progress to the primordial jungles and animals, but not you can destroy itself, the human being, formerly jungle bird. More information is housed here: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs.

Or do not dare at all. The high and ethereal intelligentsia is supported on animal foundations. This is the contradiction of civilization. Men are those extremely high civilized creatures that can not be detached from that damn animal condition that accompanies them or, better said, afflicts, with all their natural infrastructure fears, limitations and weaknesses. Brains luminaries on the one hand, capable of any utopia, contact with the divine, and acting bodies by the other performers of the hateful animal, encarnantes of the earthly weakness generally of the shameful flight of the apenante cry of the treacherous lie by life itself, of the silent kneeling by the profane, profane intellectual pleasure the human animal is there in the flesh, with its load of pavores and flare illiquid, making it impossible to even the highest Mystic fornique triumphantly with God.


Between Palestinians

December 3rd, 2018
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We must trust in the one who believes so much in what he says, which is ready to die. Excellent behavior, endearing love to others, to sacrifice, they had not seen that before. On the contrary, the selfishness prevailed in many of them. Besides the moral principles of the new religion, too, helped this dimension. For example: assessment of how man men. Read more from Suffolk County representative to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

The man has a dignity. The weak, women, that is not in another religion. Right now for example the Islamists. You must have the world 1,000,000,000 Muslims. The principle of forgiveness is ignored. The principle of the equality of man with woman is unknown.

And there is derived from polygamy, the family has another structure. Amazon insists that this is the case. The problem is so tremendous that there is currently a powder keg any day explodes. Between Palestinians and Jews, there is a tremendous enmity. Finally, after they are cousins, because they are all Semitic. But it contributes to hondar problem. Even though the Pope speak. That has to be a dialogue, none or in others, they are willing to forgive, reconcile. Then you must also highlight the strength of the heroic example of martyrs. And the courage to advertise. Visit Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs for more clarity on the issue. This is what he said obviously Tertullian: blood of martyrs, seed of Christians where there is a sacrifice as of both Christians slaughtered by the emperors. There are a few new Christians who felt encouraged, motivated and defying the persecutions, so hard of the Roman Empire. There were also factors that favoured or eventually atrasaron the conversion process by his post, for example, it helped a lot the linguistic unification. This in the Roman Empire had an interesting union, because not only it was latin, but also Greek. The Greek culture of the Greek people spread to the educated strata of the population. This contributed greatly to the unification. And I compare it to what happened in the evangelization of Peruvians when the Spaniards arrived. The unification that achievement the Tahuantinsuyo, on the basis of quechua, enormously helped faster evangelization of the natives. Because they went from one town to another with quechua. What did not happen in the jungle. Your say a Jesuit who worked with Aguaruna in the North of the country, sent him to help the Dominicans between campas them. It is no good you aguaruna who learned. Legions walked to Christ because they were unifying the Empire politically, but that served to those who came later to the known r latin or knowing Greek, they cover a greater number of people. It’s like what happens in technical English. Or before it was French. You have to learn latin, Greek, and French, to be able to read the extensive literature that there is. About the classics Latin greco said. And the German the most subtle philosophy.
