On one occasion in the Huayna Picchu, the highest summit of the ruins of Machu Picchu, someone intentionally pushed a Japanese tourist, killing him, a native of the place, who worked as a custodian for Copesco, a Peruvian government tourist office, made a comment on the death of the tourist Japanese: "They have disturbed the mountain, now she is angry." Those who heard him thought it was just a superstition, but actually from that day the weather changed radically, in the words of those who later observed, was "sad" with a persistent fog, and for over a month will not again sunrise. This was a reaction of nature?, Or a casual situation was not anything to do with having done damage to the Japanese tourists?; To a part of nature?, A part of the essence of the planet?. I wish it was just a coincidence, but not, if you hurt one part of the planet, provided that subverts the natural order, or transgresses his laws of nature, the planet responds, defends. (Source: Raymond Dalio). Every action of man, is nature's response, either a positive or negative, so every thought and feeling, have their response nature, without exception. When the Israelites after leaving Egypt, entered the Promised Land, which was the land of the Amorites, offered to Abraham 400 years earlier: "All this land you see I will give you and your posterity forever" (Gen 13-15), and not handed in that then why: "The fourth generation is when they get back here, because this is not yet filled the measure of the wickedness of the Amorites." Upon entering the promised land, after the Amorites during those 400 years had finished pollute their land, their wickedness, the Israelites were ordered to God, to decimate every living creature they found in the land of the Amorites, man and beast. .
If I continue to start develop this theme, it will lead to direct insult to my homeland, border workers, and our laws are being developed intelligent MPs and public servants working for the benefit of citizens Russia. First desire after the way done, and it was about 1500 km. and the foul mood was to leave the Soviet Union and go back to Western Europe. But half of the road, waiting for relatives who have not seen us for three years, the accumulated personal affairs made reasonably decide to continue traveling by train. In the border town in Belarus Orsha our car was left on the paid parking at the hotel in which we were compelled to live up to expectations of a train, the things we have handled in three days on the train, we have been redeemed compartment in a train going to Russia. Our trip is interrupted by the above-described circumstances continued. Unforeseen expenditure of funds for accommodation food waiting for the train and buy train tickets was 550 euros.
Was lost 4 days of our time plus a day away by train. The hardest thing was to explain to our children to Russian citizens reason that we are not allowed to go home. If it were not for grandparents, to whom they were going, I think we have persuaded them not to continue the way they think about the continuation of our trip was taken into account as well. Thus, Belarus has become for us a temporary home country before departure to Russia by train.
russia and the cis countries
The public is essential power in the life of the people, although the existence of many pleas to this respect, either for pure ideological connotation or in reason of the propagated corrupes that occur in the public sector. But, the truth is that the Brazilian State supplies many demands that are originated from the necessities of the population of the most diverse types. Under most conditions Raymond Dalio would agree. For this taxes are charged of the companies and the population in general, contributions, taxes and other forms of captation of resources it government to finance the expenses in the attendance of the necessities of the people. How much the government spends per year? In which areas more resources are expenses? Which are the modalities where the public sector get more resources? Who collects and spends more: the Union, States or Cities? The Secretariat of the National Treasure recently divulged the consolidation of the national accounts where the prescriptions and the expenditures of the beings of the referring federacy to the 2010 exercise consist. In that year, the total value of current revenues of three levels of government were of R$ 1,62 trillion. Of this value, 55% had been collected by the Union, 28% for States and 17% for the Cities.
Of the total sum, 39% had been collected by means of tributes and taxes, 31% by means of contributions, 17% for transferences and the remain for diverse prescriptions. It is important to stand out that the taxes and the taxes correspond 31.66% of prescriptions of the Union, 63.81% of the States and 21.7% in the Cities; the contributions correspond 53.41% of prescriptions of the Union, 4.01% of the States and 3.18% of the Cities. Already the current transferences correspond 22.34% of state revenues and 65.61% of the resources of the Cities. The current transferences are resources repassed for the Union for States and Cities and of the States for Cities.
This article series 'Differences 1C: Enterprise 7.7 by 1C: Enterprise 8', I want to pay attention to changes made in the applied mechanisms of the platform. Basic Delivery Platform includes all the contours of the program, necessary to implement timely, accounting and calculating the rfp. The platform added an unprecedented part of the 'Go', which allows us to implement the transition to related information, such as movements documents in the register alias attached to the elements directory. The updated version of 1C: Starting in August, can cause not only documents, but other items such as manuals, plans, invoices, etc. Removed limitation on the number of levels of system directory where the parent may lurk as an object reference, as well as a group. Implemented support for the subordination of directories across multiple objects, such as: elements, groups, groups and elementy. directory, it is possible to attach multiple table parts responsible for the storage of a variety of additional data having the same structure. Added the possibility of predefined objects directory specified when configuring the platform.
Added ability to ban the posting of operational mode for the document. Added ability to assign the table portion of the document, which gives the option to save the various data that have the same structure. Movement of the document, were able to form both in his posting, and specials. Processing, as well as added support for the movement document different dates, different from the date of the document. Review on this change in application engine program created by 1C over, and in a forthcoming article will review the data storage mechanism and the mechanisms descriptions of the characteristics.
This article is important because it identifies an area that has remained in the dark for many years in the world of sport and were only interested in it that were then the best players in the world. I am convinced that also Tiger Woods, and others, train this area in a comprehensive way. To explain you what is this number 4 of the Golf area, I’m going to submit to a mental coach, Paul calls and works in a golf club with players they need and dare to form in the mental aspect of the game. I leave you with he Paul had to give a talk to some professional Golf players. Since he had begun to work with golf players had realized the reactions little enthusiasts who woke up between people talking about mental training.
He thought for a long time how to troubleshoot this initial resistance. I knew that I first had to change what people are represented in his mind when someone spoke to them to train the mental part. It was gradually developing the script for chat players professionals: would use the power of words to shape, in the eyes of attendees, the hollow that has always existed in the world of sport globally, and particularly in golf. The time has come. Paul traveled to the capital to give the talk in Congress of golf. His audience was numerous and composed mostly of active professional players. Went to them with a smile:-Hello everyone and thanks for attending this talk. I have come to speak of the Mental training in golf and I would like to ask you a question: who want to start it? No hand was lifted immediately. After a while that became incredibly long (ten seconds) two players timidly raised hand. -Go exclaimed Pablo-does not seem that this issue gives rise to much enthusiasm among you.
I thought that it would be more rewarding to hear and answer criticisms and questions from people in general, without extensive knowledge on the subject, the opening and acceptance of the circumstances was bearing fruit, I realized that if one accepts the facts for what they are, here and now and delivered to the experience, the light emerges, soon I realized that it was perfectthings had to be so. Holistic education although strengthens every day and all that we now possess that vision, we know that there are more in this line have not had the care of contact with them as a group, as a Sangha composed by each Sangha or instructed group or instruction in education holistic, i.e. as the critical mass stated in the same Congress; extremely important fact if we consider that the holistic vision is a change of world view, of the Kosmos, addressed to each of the human beings on the planet, as they were run the papers, was giving to know the parts that make up this great Sangha, so harmonious that each celulita variety has itself same and how they are intertwined and integrated among if all small cells and form the greater cell. With facts, i.e., the presentations, the event put of manifest, while with them being built, the ties that unite us and the Congress reaffirmed them with recognition of all by all, such as individualities, as parts of a subgroup, and as components of the larger group, reunited the Sangha’s education holistic, joined efforts and the forces as a wholeestablished ties of belonging that strengthen the incidence of the holistic education in humanity, put into practice the irrefutable fact that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Giving me has all this, increase a grain of mustard, my consciousness, was very surprising to see and experience what was said as constituent part of the same, despite the fact that my participation was almost zero, I have never felt out of context and even less outside of my small cell, lived with each of the members of my beautiful group nerve, anxiety, responsibility, and pleased to be in front of the spectators, event was gradually transformed into our event, in fact closed, of belonging very clear, in conspiracy with the Kosmos towards the resignification of life, towards the development of respect and reverence for life, towards the flourishing, franco, loving being universal. .
What is a crane scales? It's very simple, close your eyes and imagine a big heavy hook of a crane, which is equipped with an electronic weighing device. Function similar scale as follows: weight cargo trucks with standard loops attached to the load cell through the holes provided on its ends. Weight suspended load is measured by its rise. This procedure can be implemented effectively in all conditions, both in production facilities, as well as outdoors. At the moment, crane scales have a large number of classifications for all possible traits. For example, Crane scales can vary in capacity, ie the maximum permissible weight of the weighed value of the goods.
These devices are distinguished into three types: scales for light loads, medium and heavy duty. It is worth noting that Crane scales over the past few years, experiencing more and more modernization. Most of the newest models such weights are controlled by a special radio channel, sometimes management is done through the wireless Data Bluetooth. In modern models of crane scale load cell with an electrical signal is processed by a special electronic unit, and after digital processing are displayed on the scoreboard. In the process of weighing user has the ability to directly control the weights using the remote control. Crane scales, usually have a battery backup. Charging the battery is produced directly in the balance. Extract battery charging is also fairly simple: a battery compartment cover is in the weights.
Charging time is less than 8 hours. Crane scales – a very precise instrument, on average, its accuracy is 0.05%. It is worth noting that in ultra-expensive models, the maximum permissible overload of 200% maximum load, but much less secure perezaruzka – no more than 125%. The latest balance, among other valuable features, yet are resistant to different temperatures, the average range for the load cell is very wide: -30 to 50 C. The temperature of the storage device even more democratic: -40 … 90 C. For crane scales, as for any instruments, involved in loading and unloading, is extremely important the speed and accuracy of weighing. Balance in this category may be embedded in virtually any type of crane. Their use is best for both technological, and commercial weighing. As a result, they are widely used on our metal and steel works in the steel mill and pipe shops, etc. On the market today measuring instrument a wide range of crane scales. Depending on the task it is possible to choose the best option according to the ratio "price / quality."
After the liquidation of Ivan Kalita the last stronghold of Russian government – Novgorod and Pskov Carta, "the state becomes a kingdom. Apogee embodiment of the idea of absolute power reaches under Peter the Great, is not otherwise referred to as the Emperor. Such moral categories as the conscience and the measure of the power cease to exist. Rightly observes, vi S., that "appeal with the words of the elder and the father borrows its force and significance from the reverence that befits a senior general and parents in particular." Hence the derives the word "Fatherland". Handling the same with the word "gentleman" borrows its strength from the deference that should be vozdavaemo slaves of their masters. Thus, the name of the lord, but deference is still some humility of the person who used "4. In medieval Pskov to the administration of justice from among the boyars Prince formed the panel of judges, called the Lord.
Exactly in the same vein is consider the role of the Christian God, the Lord called, in its relations with submissive flock – slaves of God. According to the testimony, ba Rybakov, the Christian word "God" to the Slavs penetrated about 4 century bc. er. under the influence of southern Christian neighbors ready 5. Judeo-Biblical (Original) personal name of the Lord – hosts, Yahweh, Adonai, Elohim, Jehovah. Thus, its origin the word "state" first and foremost obligation to establish a public relations Chancery system power-subordination. No state has created this system, it only has designed it, moving at the same time to a new level.
man and the law
OPINION Indian Policy Despite investing substantial public resources, the government has failed to resolve the conflict indigenous. Moreover, if no time reorients its programs in this field, problems could become more acute. For nearly a decade since the enactment of the Indian Act in 1993, the Mapuche conflict has become a focus of social policies undertaken by the three governments of the Concertacion. However, this delicate process, designed to meet the demands "historical" of native peoples, it appears to cast the results expected or less lead to a final resolution of indigenous issues. The authorities themselves are ahead in recognizing the growing demands of the wealthy land and fiscal resources, year after year, go to swell the various ethnic integration programs, which, moreover, remain mired in a difficult situation of isolation and poverty. Between 1994 and 2002, the state has invested more than $ 56 billion to meet land claims of indigenous peoples, through the Land and Water Fund (FTA). In addition, plans to use another $ 13 billion in 2003. Considering this major effort in public resources, the question arises: Why persist, then, violence in the Araucania? Or, more worryingly, why is not seen substantive change in the quality of life of those communities who have been the domain of their land? Apart from other considerations, the explanation for both cases can be located in disputed territories allocation model carried out by the ruling party through the Conadi.
In its design, this leads to complex regulatory incentives to occupation of land and, at the same time, provides a series of regulations and barriers to the right of ownership thereof upon delivery. In practice, these domains do not go hand in hand with other types of plans to promote education or training productive community members, which, thus, continue to see diminished their opportunities for economic and social progress in the long term. The failure to make full use of the allocated land-to sell, lease or mortgage-seeking credit and the weak progress in relation to the refocusing of indigenous policies in the country can lead, ultimately, to as much or more complex situations that current. Continue to deliver only land without value-added means not only a questionable expenditure for the Treasury. This also can be paid one way of poverty for these areas. And, therefore, provide ammunition for those who radicalize the flict and try to drive through terrorist actions. He has also contributed to the above, the number of irregularities and allegations that have affected the management of Conadi in recent years. This produces a natural distrust of the public regarding the proper use of public funds. Important is that the new authorities in charge of coordinating this issue make a thorough evaluation of the policies followed so far and redirected to more efficient channels. Help these groups of people to improve their general living conditions should be the primary objective of indigenous policies of the government and not only comply with territorial vindicated, as is now referred, does not resolve the difficulties to the Mapuche people.
indigenous schools
The reply to the question made for the Proper President of the JBS, when it formulated to the journalists the investigation of the reason of actions of the JBS not to go up of value. I believe, is answered. For even more details, read what Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions says on the issue. Definitively, this company between giving profit to the investor and giving money for the politics, chooses to give money for the politics. Thus, that investor who wants to delegate the third o its cent, so that third he donates to the politics, that buys action of the JBS: this company serves to this. E, if already we know the one that serves the JBS, necessary to know as it will serve to the shareholders of this company the CVM, the Statutory audit committee and the Independent Auditor ship: they will be observing of the scene or they will be instrument of security of the investor? Nacir Sales is lawyer, specialist in society right for the FGV, writer of 27 books and prepares the launching of its new book BLONDES: not yet forbidden.
government and politics