Nature of the active, dynamic and playful cat, a great "hunter". With home education becomes soft and quiet nature. European shorthair cat lover perfectly fits the natural beauty and will become his master and loving and active companion. Care With short hair cat, this breed does not require special care. Owner is sometimes enough to comb wool, but in the molting season is better to do it every day. Features breed standards recognized not all feline organizations and virtually unknown outside of Europe. The head is broad skull length is slightly larger than the width gives the impression of rounding.
Nose straight, medium length, smooth throughout. Profile with a distinct transition. The neck is medium length, muscular. Ears of medium size, with slightly rounded tips. There are brushes. To know more about this subject visit Richard Blumenthal. Set wide and almost vertical. The height of the ear almost equal to its width at the base.
Rounded eyes wide open, set wide, slightly angled. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs has much experience in this field. Eye color should be uniform and harmonizing with coat color. Body from mid-sized to large, strong, muscular but not too compact, and flexible. The rib cage is round, well-developed. Strong strong limbs of medium length, tapering evenly to dense round paws. Tail of medium length, wide at the base, slightly tapers to a rounded tip. Coat Short, dense, thick, shiny. Colors are not recognized following colors in any combination: chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn (including tabby, bicolor, tricolor), as well as colors colorpoint. All other colors are recognized. Disadvantages Any signs of interbreeding with other breeds. General view of the European Shorthair (Celtic), corresponds to the type of cat is the average of the European domestic cat, which has developed naturally, ie without deliberate cultivation. It is believed that the ideal celtic cat is free from impurities other breeds.
home and family, Pets
For over fifty years in the former Soviet Union are celebrating the Day of the builder, but the man started to build from its inception. Yes, and everyone living on Earth, "a little builder." Builders – it's workers and romance. That's why gifts to them should be interesting, original and memorable. What not to give? Do not give trinkets in the form of roulette, and, moreover, trowel or roller. Additional information is available at Chief Justice Roberts. And remember, most builders work extremely nervous. Projects calculations, alignment, all you need to consider, anticipate, calculate, excavate, pave, hold, deliver – and to meet the deadline! And if the equipment broke down, workers have brought, or some other force majeure befall, then … who cares? The plan is a plan, and it needs to be done.
That's why representatives of the famous "tribe" so builders appreciate the peace and comfort of home. Read more here: James Donovan Goldman Sachs. Give her a romantic dinner in a restaurant or a builder of homes (Assuming, of course, that you do this at home cook dinner and then wash the dishes:) If the builder – the lady can give her aniseed liqueur … Put in a glass of two grains of coffee, pour a drink and set fire to it. Now it's time to say congratulations. Just do not tighten too much of my speech, and that liquor can all evaporate. As a contract, you will extinguish the flame and drink … safely! Do not hesitate, so congratulations to remember. And you can buy tequila, and the two get acquainted with the method of consumption of the drink (you'll need salt and lemon). Or cook a classic cocktail "Margarita" from the lime juice and orange liqueur Cointreau (Cointreau).
Holidays, home and family
In addition, beer mugs longer loses its freshness and preserves the natural taste. How to choose They are made from glass and metal, clay and wood. Which one is better – a question personal preference. The main thing is that the material from which made the circle, was natural, without chemical additives. And if we talk about folk traditions, the preferred beer in Russia poured into a wooden bowl, in the Czech Republic and Germany – in the ceramic, but in France – in a glass. A little about the form of As to the form circles, then experts say it's best if it is a little narrower at the top. Then drink more slowly loses flavor.
An interesting feature – ceramic mugs are often cap. It is also a tradition that is associated with the Law of Purity, published in 1516 by Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria. At the end of the XV century by this scourge of Europe began to hundreds of millions of flies pounded dysentery and other diseases. As a result, and there was a law imposing an obligation on people to comply with sanitation make beer mugs with lids. Souvenir ceramic mugs Most Beautiful souvenir beer circles – this is probably the ceramic. They are glazed and painted by hand. Made by these masters of love and their work, and in the process of drinking, these circles carry the positive energy that drinking beers are always fun. Universal Beer Mug gift today – it's not just a container for beer, it is also an original souvenir, so it can be a wonderful gift for the present connoisseur.
Considering that the love of beer typical of most different types of people regardless of gender, income levels and areas of interest, a beer mug – an almost universal gift that can be presented and the relative, and friend and colleague and boss, and loved or loved one. Exclusivity will add such a gift inscription to order – it could be any suggestions, or just initials bestows. This gift makes drinking beer in a real ritual. Whether it's a pleasant evening with friends, or watching a football match alone – personal beer mug will help create a comfortable environment for the most varied pastime, accompanied by the use of your favorite beer.
Holidays, home and family
Some of them are pretty hard to change. And no matter how bright were the dreams and hopes, no one can guarantee that the union of two hearts will last forever. The ancient custom was built on offering spouses to each other that day, cotton handkerchiefs tied with a knot, which symbolizes an oath to keep the love for life. After an exchange of handkerchiefs, a husband and wife should join hands together and say these words: "How knots tied by us are strong, and our words are strong. As wind-rake in the cornfield awake, so happiness and joy forever with us to arrive.
" Perform this ritual was believed to guarantee a happy and long life for the couple. If You are invited to the wedding calico, give handmade card then you can choose any cotton product as a gift (or any household items), it could be a towel, tablecloth, napkins, kit bedding, curtains (curtains, blinds, curtains), apron, etc. A gift can make the original order and a towel with the inscription of names newlyweds or their photographs. Another ritual was considered a gift mother-in-law offering cotton dress, which served as a wish to ease relations and family life, as the material of this podarka.Bumazhnaya wedding (2 years) for the second year in the life of the spouses is more difficult than First, it was during this time the relationship ends on romanticism and established the general regime of family life, shared border responsibility for each spouse. At this time, spouses are no longer permanently control their actions, and begins to show the character of each individual, but on the basis of this relationship appears to not only love but also respect for the wishes and actions of her husband.
Holidays, home and family
For the first time 'international' Women's Day was celebrated in 1911 in four countries – Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland – on different days. In 1912, the Women's Day was celebrated all the same 'narrow circle' countries, and again on different days. In 1913, the Women's Day was first recorded in Russia (more precisely – in a single city of St. Petersburg). The date of the meeting, as well as the names of the organizers failed to find even in Soviet sources, even though the Soviet ideologues throughout several decades, strongly developed the myth of the 'international' Women's Day.
It was only in 1914 – the first and last time! – Women's Day was celebrated March 8 at the same time in six countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland. The outbreak of the First World War made Europe a long time to forget about any holidays. But after coming to power in Russia, the Bolsheviks of the International Women's Day remembered again and gave it official status. On common belief of historians and political scientists, the commissioners used the achievements of European Socialists for the ideological struggle against the Orthodox Church. Eighth March was intended to deter the Soviet people from religious Holidays: Carnival, falling by about the same time, and the Myrrh-Day, celebrated on the third Sunday after Easter and is considered to be an Orthodox Women's Day. In 1975, the Soviet ideology, finally succeeded in his dream: Because this year has been declared by the United Nations' International Women's Year ', then and March 8 with the filing of the Soviet delegation to address the same UN was still the official status of' International Women's day '.
Family Life, home and family
prohibited of the family or for its maintenance. However, before sairmos defending or fixing the family, is necessary to take well-taken care of with precipitations. Paraphrasing Hacking (2001) we ask: what is the family? According to Basic Diccionario of Anthropology (FIELD, 2008), family is defined as: ‘ ‘ basic social group, that sits down afectivos bonds, of kinship y/o economic. El number of estos miembros puede to vary … y in if encuentran necessarily inhabiting el mismo hogar’ ‘. Being an invention human being, this does not have to be seen as a biological or natural order, as many times are spread erroneamente by the media and other ways.
It is treated, over all, of an organization of the human beings produced partner-historical. Leaving of the consideraes that the Marx and Engels (1980) had made on the German ideology,> when they had criticized hardly the hegelianos for the naivety with that they conceive the reality, we see that same the critical one still can be applied to the ideology and Brazilian psychology. We affirm this for the torrent of expressions and ideological premises that constantly are bequeathed the familiar institution. As resultant, descontextualizadas understandings or sidewalk in the fancy finish for making it difficult the necessary agreement putting more firewood in the ideological fogueira, what it can also retrocede in the evolution of the public politics. In accordance with the materialism-description, the family if originates with the necessity to organize its ways of production.
A summary brief of its main points is followed partner-descriptions. The first form of organization is the tribal one, familiar structure that if confuses with the social one. The hierarchy if establishes with the patriarchs on the members, for later, with the increase of the population, to establish on the slaves (MARX; ENGELS, 1980). The word family originates in such a way from the Latin ' ' famulus' ' that it meant literally enslaved domestic servant.
home and family
Let the man lead. In the traditional understanding of the role of leading the dance performed by men. Ladies, take a sympathetic position. Amy says: "A man is difficult in the sense that it needs a lot to remember and do: he listens to music, remembers the sequence of dance, communicating with other people, think about the following movement. " You are required to observe the behavior of men, to anticipate what he's going to make mistakes and allow him to. Find balance.
Old-fashioned tradition of wedding dance can only be prescribed by the dominant position of men, but in reality it is a full-fledged partnership. Both partners should make efforts to control the rhythm. "Dance is the result of the connection of your strengths and weaknesses, dancing skills will not be able to get one lesson" – says Amy. You will need to be patient and begin to engage in advance. Great time – five months before the ceremony. As for the wedding dance performances suggest you contact – the organization of weddings.
Allay fears. "Men, which I teach dance, I suggest the following: from the moment when you hug a girl, have complete control over it. Even in the case of uncertainty in his movements, pretend to know what to do "- says Amy. Your partner will be calm while you hold the initiative. Once your partner begins to be afraid of something, she takes the initiative in their hands. You have to establish their supremacy at the beginning of the dance, or in the process do not work. Set the tone. Generally speaking, dance – a social phenomenon, we can say non-verbal conversation. If development proceeds conversation well, you may wish to join and people around them. While many newlyweds prefer staging a dance, some like improvisation, believing that dance can be fun. Amy said: "The first wedding dance determines the tone of your event. If he is successful, then your guests will dance with you. " Dance! Studying partner dance, you are contributing to its future. This skill will be with you and after the wedding celebrations at the various festivals in your living room, on the anniversary of the wedding.
Holidays, home and family