
Archive for February, 2012

Stalin Russia

February 28th, 2012
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We stand for it not be held responsible. " First, responsibility for the fact we do not accept. Secondly, nobody in Russia today, and this is not blamed. If the thinking in Russia is given due attention in terms of research, conservation, etc. etc., would have long since become clear that Stalin had a different nationality.

And every nation has its own mindset, therefore, looks at the problem and solutions will be others. (This was written by vv Putin, shortly before his meeting with N. . See "Letters unanswered," the letter 2). Enough to know the features of human thinking (the people) and any issue can be resolved without incident.

In this case, da Medvedev was enough to rely on the knowledge of types of thinking specifically Stalin and the Polish people, and would not have had so fearfully excuses. It was enough to merit an apology. And an apology would be accepted. Lack of a common fundamental thinking in Russia keep track of all country. And though it seems nonsense, but blows will bear right place, at a weak point. For example, the fundamental thinking of the U.S. aims to dominate over all types of thinking. Moderately aggressive. In 47% of aggression is spontaneous and not always on the merits. The main feature of this thinking is that he is not indifferent attitude towards it "repressed" types of thinking, until they make an attempt to ask for protection from the least powerful status thinking. After which the support of the "defectors" can no longer count on. Thinking itself the United States will maintain friendly relations, according to all rules of decency, but in the most difficult moment for the defector publicly turn his back and refuses to help. In this article I will only say one thing. Policies of the current American president have sufficiently solid basis of political moves, the strategy and the specifics of which will become obvious the world community since April 2011. In the meantime, Russia is experiencing and will fail. Want to or not, the responsibility for what happens rests with each person of the Russian state. Whatever was said, to fix it is not possible, until it has thought in Russia. Gonchar.


Russian State Fisheries Committee

February 7th, 2012
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A draft of such innovations have criticized human rights activists, the idea of comparing with the Ministry of Natural Resources 'squealing'. However, a similar system existed in the Soviet Union, where the student militia went on the fight against poachers. When a court to impose fines offenders, 25 percent of the funds paid to students. The same system with the 70s operates in the U.S., where some citizens are living through such awards. Discussion of planned improvements is on (). Russia plans to put a moratorium on sturgeon fishing Russian State Fisheries Committee proposes to introduce five-year moratorium on sturgeon fishing in the Caspian Sea for all littoral states. Russia will soon formally invite the neighbors across the Caspian Sea – Turkmenistan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan – to announce a five-year moratorium on fishing sturgeon.

"Today, sturgeon are on the verge of extinction, this fish is a relic, she was 30 million years, and if nothing is done to protect it, sturgeon have disappeared in recent memory '- chairman State Committee for Fisheries Andrew deadline. The official said Russia is ready to give up catching sturgeon of the Caspian in the current year. However, for the moratorium, the consent of all five littoral states: Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. As adviser later said the Department of Conservation and breeding of aquatic biological resources the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Ministry Tariel Mammadov, Azerbaijan is ready to support the Russian proposal for a moratorium on sturgeon fishing. In Europe and Russia returning migratory birds into the European territory of Russia after the winter in warm areas are beginning to return for migratory birds.

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Western Europe

February 3rd, 2012
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In fact, the reality is different. Carpets have long been gaining a dominant market share of floor finishing materials in Western Europe and North America. And not just leadership won thanks to the comfort or design variety, namely quality. Only guarantee of some manufacturers to give their coverage for 10 years. The real life of carpet in this case will be more. Carpets from leading manufacturers in the world from Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, the USA has excellent performance characteristics that allow them to quietly endure the daily cleaning with no loss of appearance.

When This carpet can be used completely in all areas of office space, even at the entrances. In terms of quality, a recommendation – choose the carpet of the leading manufacturers in the world from Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United States. In this case, you get a carpet in a series of "put and forget." An ideal variant composition nap – PA. Compared with other synthetic materials – polypropylene, polyacryl, Polyester-polyamide has precisely the best performance. Except when it comes to design VIP areas of office, hotel or a level 5 * country house interiors. For the interior of the premises recommend the use of carpet made of wool (100%) or shesrt + PA (80% + 20%). Best analogs have carpet wear resistance properties comparable to similar properties porcelain.

Given the advantages of carpet on indicators such as comfort, design options, color schemes, the validity of the primacy of carpeting is not in doubt. But there is another reason why Russia in the office instead of the expected use of carpeting gres. This is the reason – the legislation. In recent years adopted several decisions, which greatly tightened the requirements for fire carpeting. And as glad to, but unfortunately, as we often have decisions are made hastily and without consideration of important points. According to current standards adopted by Russian law, in such institutions as kindergartens, schools, cinemas, theaters, hotels on the five floors above and on the other similar objects can only be used granite. Yes, just like in kindergarten bed, linoleum or carpet from leading manufacturers in the world is illegal. The reason is that the floor covering used for the interior uses, such as kindergarten, should be absolutely no fuel. This material is stone. Here on the rock kids can play with all the consequences in the form of permanent injury falls, etc … And use a different floor, a soft, comfortable and not traumatic, which passed all tests in the European laboratories, are widely used in European and American schools and preschools, we can not by law. Or a movie theater. Again here, if you strictly follow the letter of the law can only be used granite. But the carpet, which on its fireproof property allow for clearance of cruise ships – you can not. Here's an imbalance there is in the law that prevents more actively used for interior uses carpeting. But, nevertheless, the world experience developed countries shows that better coverage is not there for decoration of the interiors of hotels, offices, restaurants, private homes, cinemas, theaters. The fact that Russia will be the same – it is not in doubt.

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