Here, importantly, exactly who to entrust this work, as ambitious Chechen Europeans will not talk with anyone and listen to anybody. Negotiator needs to know these people personally, to be able to convince them and have sootvetstvuyushimi authority to meet the peculiar interests of persons involved, a good understanding of the Chechen mentality and a sense of national dignity. I think that the Congress of Russian People Caucasus could be on its part to make a significant contribution to this noble cause for the repatriation of Chechen refugees to their homeland. In general, the summary, I want to focus on yet another emergency task had set and now successfully solves the Chechen President, is the unity of the Chechen nation. As part of this task is very important to repatriate her to her former useful citizens. I am sure that in the future experience of the union will demand for solving the new problem of destiny for Russia – now the unity of Russian peoples of the Caucasus, without which it is impossible to achieve stability, peace and order. JH: – There is another problem that the enemies of Russia and Islam used to the fullest. This, coming allegedly from the Islamic world (the rich Gulf countries), the threat to Russia's apparent support for the Chechen separatists.
Although this was not the case. And the Arab League and Organization Islamic Conference (OIC) is uniquely favored the territorial integrity of Russia at that time. But how does it bring to the company if antiislamcki 'sharpened' liberal media 'guard' and brazenly lied thin? I remember that thanks to Akhmad Kadyrov, was the first breach in the chorus 'scapegoats' translation 'arrow' in the Muslim world.
Politics, the public
This type of plaster has some bumps, so often referred to as textured plaster beetle. What made plaster beetle This type of plaster made from high quality components. In the course of attending a special white cement, various chemical additives, and marble chippings. The layer thickness after drying of the solution depends on the size fraction used components. A property? Textured plaster beetle is unique. It can be applied to almost any surface without prior training.
Plaster beetle is particularly good with the possibility of cracking the wall surface. Decorative plaster beetle can be used in heated and unheated rooms in. Plaster beetle resistant to moisture, steam passes, it is not terrible temperature drop, and at the same time, decorative plaster beetle looks polished and beautiful. Textured plaster beetle has been successfully applied in almost any finish premises, but especially popular in the repair of office buildings and facilities, with public gatherings: concert halls, shops, etc. Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions insists that this is the case. Plaster beetle before applying the plaster surface of the pre- prepared. Its completely clean of dust and dirt, buried burrs, remove oil stains.
If the wall surface is uneven, it should be pre-aligned. If you put the plaster on the dusty concrete bark beetle surface should be pre-treated them with special solution, or just use putty. Plaster beetle is wet on wet method. The dry mix can be bought at the store. Before starting, of course, should be carefully considered statement. Typically, the dry mixture to 25 kilograms of six liters of water was added and thoroughly mixed all. The resulting solution is flexible, it should be used for three hours. Usually, before starting mixture is kept at a minimum of 10-15 minutes. In the process should be constantly stirred solution: the fact that the marble aggregate in its structure settles on the bottom, which leads to disruption homogeneity of the composition. Thus, application of plaster on the walls of bark beetle is the usual way.
construction of life, Technology Repair
For all companies, which may engage in manufacturing, in all ages may appear similar obstacles, which only worsens the failure to cooperate, and other municipal bodies. And with that, and actually emerging issues more than you need. For example, with a lack of personal space – whether industrial or warehouse, or office, in positions that require building, or if the company uses long-life spent operation of construction – in any situation necessarily need to involve professionals in the construction industry. The survey works has the right to carry out a very solid number of corporations, but sooner than you choose to stay at any one of them was, most likely to check her "track record". It is no secret that expert examination of the existing structures can be connected with a simple examination structures, and with a hypothetical increase in the scale of output.
In other words, be sure to test, pull a building, for example, increased by the vibration of the work. In the construction expertise of design documentation in number is an essential element of the project and circumstance. Analysts will certainly need to consider not only the specific building characteristics of the building, but also features the position where it will be Construction activity: the type of soil, groundwater level and the like. With a thoughtful approach to the future of the building can not be a problem: since they will probably fix before the start of construction, for example, by choosing very suitable area for development. In addition, one can not distinguish the importance of such research as an environmental audit. It is very important in a situation where an enterprise has to deal with chemical materials or components that could harm the natural environment. Moreover, contrary to popular impression, the evaluation data, in principle, be useful not just for a good relationship with the regulatory administration, but primarily for personal business. Environmental assessments show that the company is going to work not so much that day, but on the future.
construction of life, Technology Repair
To implement the changes carried out search and selection of employees who have the ability to adapt quickly and authority to convince others. As to attract fresh and original views and ideas picked up new staff from outside. Here also there is a new staff establishment, which confer some hope. To involve all employees in the change process, to actively promote and emotional support to each other to create and develop a TEAM. Some calls "will be united," "will be one family!" – Enough so that the command was effective for a long time. The process of forming the team should include – the formation of the mission and goals of the company that will help unite the people, the definition of certain corporate traditions that help bringing people closer together is a fragile time for the company.
Training on team building – one of the instruments of formation and development team. During these team building activities, the conditions for increasing levels of effective communication in the company, as well as to strengthen team spirit. Situations in which the participants come and help everyone to realize the importance of his personal contribution to the success of the team. In the excitement of playing colleagues do not like those myself, who are accustomed to seeing in the mirror. The company has a lot of newcomers, there was a rearrangement of staff? Teambuilding provides an opportunity to increase vnutrikomandny potential and creates conditions for deep Team Building, in which a novice will feel comfortable and experienced worker can rely on without thinking of each of the team. Everything that is happening at such training is neither a sports event, for work or leisure. This is – the game. The main thing in it – the experiences of the participants and the results they achieve for yourself. More detailed information on the site
industry, Technology
It's clean and air, and the ability to equip the surrounding area at your leisure. Recently, live in a country house becomes more and more prestigious. Colm O’Comartun is a great source of information. Therefore, the construction of houses and cottages – this is a profitable investment in your comfort. Today suburbs of large cities is actively built, the construction of houses and construction of town houses is constant. But during the construction of wooden houses from which the tree house is made lurk serious danger in terms of wood-fungi. So if you see signs of browning or blueing wood must urgently apply the whitening composition. Bleaching of wood Neomid 500 Today belongs to the most effective means of their group. Neomid 500 is a concentrate that can be diluted with water 1:1.
Neomid 530, Fire-retardant treatment Neomid 530 retardant treatment for wood Neomid 530 used to protect the wood for a long time. Practice shows that the domestic wood processing enterprises mainly trying to basically use the Russian defenses because of cheap wood drug costs. Domestic products – protection of wood and fire retardant impregnation Neomid 530 Senezh and CDS are designed for reliable protection of wood indoors or outdoors. The most frequently used high-impregnation Neomid 530, DCC and Senezh ognebio protect the tree for long periods of heat and fire. The compositions 'Senezh' and Neomid 530 professionally protect the wood from burning and biological damage, provide high-quality decorative finishes of wood. Products 'Senezh' is designed to provide reliable protection of wood indoors or outdoors. Impregnation Neomid 530, DCC and Senezh ognebio designed to cover sawn and planed wood surfaces inside and outside the premises (window frames, doors, interior and exterior walls, balconies, railings, balconies, trim, shutters, moldings, facades, stairs, fences, garden buildings, furniture, articles made of chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, etc.). Senezh ognebio Fireproofing Materials Senezh ognebio One of the first drugs used in the wooden construction was Senezh ognebio.
construction of life, Technology Repair