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Director General

January 30th, 2013
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EFE the controversy by issuing a report on abuses of children in Wales and he came to identify by mistake to a former politician has been the catalyst. He pointed out that it was to be ultimately responsible for all content that emits. The director general of the BBC, George Entwistle, chain resigned Saturday following the controversial by the issuance of a report on alleged abuses of children in Wales and came to identify by mistake to a former politician. Entwistle, who came to the direction of the British public broadcasting station on 17 September, submitted his resignation in a statement issued along with the Chairman of the BBC, Chris Patten, former Conservative politician. I have decided that as more honorable thing I can do is to resign, said the head of the chain, which described as totally exceptional events of recent days, therefore considered appropriate that the station now seek a new leader. He pointed out that it was to be ultimately responsible for all content that emits the string. Having been director general even if only for a short period of time, and in some circumstances of great challenge, has been a great honour, added. Controversial report the controversy is centered around the report issued on 2 November by Newsnight, one more major journalistic programmes of the BBC.

Entwistle, who admitted that the station is facing opportunities and challenges, emphasized at the same time that this is full of talented people that make it the best station in the world. The BBC had been forced to apologize unreservedly for the issuance of the report because it led to identify by mistake to Lord McAlpine, former Treasurer of the British Europe Minister conservative Margaret Thatcher. Reportage tried on alleged abuses in a home for children in North Wales and reported statements made by a victim, Steve Messham, who claimed that a prominent politician had abused him. Messham did not reveal the identity of the politician in the program, but said that he had worked at the time of Thatcher in the past eighty years. See more: resigns the director general of the BBC by an error with a politician in a story on paedophilia

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