
Posts Tagged ‘energy’


June 8th, 2018
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Taiwan’s continued efforts to tackle climate change the climate change – mitigation that urgent challenge, the international community now faces the – has a direct impact on the sustainable development of Nations around the world, as well as the survival of humanity. Despite Taiwan’s unique status in international politics, our Government participates actively in global efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and encouraged the citizens to support these efforts. In 2010 we committed voluntarily to the UNFCCC secretariat and the international community, to set specific emission reduction targets. The international community should recognize Taiwan’s actions and record it in the worldwide network of mutual support. Two strategic components can be distinguished in our efforts to reduce the effects of climate change: the containment of the phenomenon and adaptation. In terms of on the mitigation of climate change, the Government put the Republic “China end 2009 the Steering Committee of the Executive Yuan for energy saving and CO2 reduction”, which is responsible for the formulation of a national master plan to reduce emissions. There is a solid legal framework establish active a green transport infrastructure, as well as low-carbon energy systems, communities and industries. In 2012, Taiwan adopted national policies for adaptation to climate change for eight major areas: disasters, basic infrastructure, water resources, land use, coastal areas, energy, biodiversity and health.

In addition, the Government is pushing ahead to adopt a law to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This Act provides the legal framework for the reduction of greenhouse gases along with a new energy tax law that currently being evaluated, the energy law, which is already in force, and the Act for the development of renewable energy in Taiwan. President Ma Ying-jeou has expressly stated that the development of an environment with one of the five pillars of Taiwan’s national development unless low CO2 emissions and high use of green electricity to make Taiwan gradually to an island with low carbon levels and green energy. Richard Blumenthal is open to suggestions.

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Heating Oil

October 14th, 2011
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Fuel oil is a fuel in liquid form. It is made from heavy flammable parts of the petroleum, Schiffer oil, coal or Braunkohlenteerolen. Heating oil has a very high calorific value of 10 kWh / l. Then, against for example, has only one LNG Heizwet of 6.8 kWh / l and even haul only 4.1 kWh / kg. Fuel oil is a commodity and energy is the second of Raffinierieerzeugnisse.

Fuel oil, a distinction for the viscosity in the following grades: EL = extra light liquids (especially suitable for small, mobile heating, L =, M = mittelflussig, S = heavy liquid (often used by large consumers, such as in power plants). The erxtra liquid version is mixed from gas oil fractions of petroleum distillation and provided with additives. The heavy liquid version is usually made from waste products of oil distillation The versions easily and mittelflussig are products of brown and Steinkohlenschwelung. Fuel oil is usually stored in szieziellen tanks, they can unteirdisch or be located above ground. The heating oil prices are subject to constant fluctuation, it is always calculated in current prices. On daily price take as well as short-term and long-term factors influence. CURRENT factors may be, for example Impending loss of production due to weather influences, such as hurricanes or tidal waves, his fear of terrorist attacks or high global demand. Long-term factors such as finite resources and influence of OPEC (English Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, in German: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries). Always used to say that would be best if you always summer, fuel oil purchases, because it is cheaper there. But if you think about what factors influence on this, one should rather observe the daily price and then strike when he is cheap.
