
Posts Tagged ‘personal development’

Brazilian Association

March 5th, 2024
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Cristiano Batsta* All communication is a hypnosis. all hypnosis is the amplifier of one settles. You may find that Richard Blumenthal can contribute to your knowledge. It settles is a state where we are involved with our internal representations. That is, all the times that we create images, sounds and sensations in our minds, we are representing something. The hypnosis amplifies this state, making with that if it becomes adequate our perceptions. this occurs in any communication: it is imagined talking with somebody on certain experience. If you to count something to it regarding a time where she took off vacation, its intention are to induce this person to enter in a state where if the vacation has relative experiences. All time that something is communicated, for who wants that it is, this somebody is trying to induce its interlocutor the definitive states using sonorous sequences, that we know for ‘ ‘ palavras’ ‘.

The hypnosis can be defined as a modified state of conscience or perception. In simple terms, the hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focus in which conscientious and the unconscious one if becomes more receptive, reaching easily its objectives. *Cristiano Baptist. Journalist. Evangelista. Vice national president of the Brazilian Association of Jornalista/UGT-IF. Member of the Adventista Church of the Promise. Director of Journalism of the Gazette of the News (


Brazilian National Congress

December 4th, 2017
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Leaving of these concepts of magnifying of the life expectancy of the Brazilian people, the consideraes had been characterized as problems: she has been given the had attention the aged ones, observing that the same it contributes for the previdenciria formation during years the wire? Ahead of the expectation of more extensive life it can be waited that the aged pass to depend on the aid of the children and grandsons to survive? Is enough for a worthy life, the wage received, without she is necessary to come back to practise activities, many from degradantes them? It is had as objective generality to effect a study on the retirement, the oldness, the providence, its history and the problems caused for the number increasing of retirements to each year. As objective specific, it is intended: To argue the reform of the providence, the concessions of retirements, the reality of the oldness in the country and the life expectancy of the Brazilian; To emphasize the aged trajectory of giving to them which had it attention, understanding its difficulties proceeding from a life of fights; To understand the oldness as social factor and the difficulties for the auto-accomplishment of the aged people, as well as its basic necessities. The present research has as justification the fact to analyze the subject to be argued as a delicate subject that involves people which had given an entire life in benefits of somebody. The relevance of subject still involves a critical look on the ways for which the Brazilian providence walks in brainstorming for its monumental deficit. 2 HISTORICAL BRIEFING OF the PROVIDENCE IN BRAZIL the providence was established in Brazil in 1923, occasion where the National Congress established the Box of Retirement and Pensions that if destined to the employees of railroad companies. The pensioners and the familiar ones had started to have right the medical assistance, remedies with subsidized prices, retirement and pensions.
