
Posts Tagged ‘profession’

Frank Gardener Of New Sales Manager At BONAGO

June 4th, 2018
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Munich, November 12, 2013: Frank Gartner is Sales Manager at the coupon experts BONAGO since 1 November and brings his extensive experience in the company. The 33-year-old will in future support BONAGO sales team with his industry expertise and advise customers on the issues of employee motivation, sales promotion and customer loyalty. Among various public utilities and online marketplaces will be among his business interests. Already prior to his move to BONAGO Frank Gartner demonstrated his talent as a business several years consultant for the Connex marketing group. There, he gained a detailed know-how in the areas of Incentivization, voucher programs and increase in sales. Including sectoral distribution of emotional incentives and individually tailored online solutions was one of his tasks. He also accompanied the successful introduction of a new product line for one of the leading book trading in Germany in the course of its activities. Gardener studied Economics studies focused on controlling, marketing and entrepreneurship at the University of Hohenheim.

Frank gardener is a competent and qualified sales professional with a flair for innovative, successful promotions. His extensive experience, he is very familiar with the industry. He is excellent is integrated into our sales department and actively shape the future success. We are glad, occupy this sales position with Frank Gartner to can. “, says Managing Director Mark Gregg. Contact: BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH Maria Pickrahn g court first breed 68 80339 Munich phone: + 49 89 622 33 77 51 fax: + 49 89 622 33 77 99 E-Mail: Web site:

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St.Galler Management Seminar – This Seminar For Convincing Leadership

September 6th, 2015
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Future-oriented management knowledge after the St.Galler model at the highest level. The close interaction between theory and practice is in the St. Gallen management seminar not only taught, but also lived. The knowledge management can be immediately and easily implemented in practice. Checklists included in the seminar materials facilitate the implementation of new technologies in the company and guarantee as an immediate transfer of the learned. The St.

Gallen management seminar provides future-oriented management knowledge at the highest level. Main objective of the seminar is the holistic formation of an entrepreneurial mindset among the participants. Apart from the provision of up-to-date knowledge of business and management theory in particular the soft skills as well as the development and expansion of networks. The comprehensive seminar documentation and use of realistic case studies lasting serves as a basis of repetition. Through personal service and measurable knowledge transfer in practice, both participants and companies draw the maximum benefit from the seminar. By the practical This seminar series offers a good basis and impetus for the day-to-day learning, exchange of experience in the group work and the very good and experienced lecturers. The St.

Gallen management can seminar as a foundation for future education and training as the part-time Bachelor degree used. The St. Connecticut Senator describes an additional similar source. Gallen management seminar includes a total duration of 10 months. The latest findings from the business and management theory are hands-on taught in 10 modules. A course module includes two days each on Friday and Saturday. Every month a course module will take place. At the beginning of the seminar learning content as well as the dates are already set, ensuring predictability. The St. Gallen management launches seminar 2 times per year. Due to the modular design of the independent seminar modules, also an entry in the ongoing seminar is possible. Non-visited seminar modules can be made up with a different implementation. There is no eligibility for participation in the St. Gallen management seminar. Anyone who has already has several years experience, can easily follow the seminar and take pulses. : See seminars/st Gallen management-seminar.html further information.

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Wolfgang Schwalm

December 3rd, 2014
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So everyone against everyone, depending on the fight and opportunistic tactical calculus with constantly changing fronts and alliances is fighting. According to each interest group calls depending on what just follow them representing their particular point of view; does so, then she screams loudly by the missed or failure of politics. These signs of the times are as a signpost to the future. Not a Presidency is lame, powerless, rather, is a business Federation, which no longer credibly and with one voice can represent the common interests. All see themselves only: the financial sector and the real economy, on global Market oriented and protectionist forces, multinational and local companies, listed and SMEs and finally also the various political actors and more little unselfish players. If all whispered bad make each changing opponents, the so-called common platform of a Federation is only mask and welcome attack surface for those who understand to pull even self-interest from disunity in this dazzling cacophony of interests and conflicting goals and therefore further fuelling.

The eloquent cabinet policy of a Federation cannot whitewash this. To distill out the common denominator and to mobilize all forces, before even more dishes are smashed, that no single President, who alone is sent to the ever-changing fronts can. Who to make it better is ready and able, the do it! But none comes from Mount Olympus. It is rather on the Board and the members to refocus, the Augean stables by Vested interests fixation all ambiguous tacking to clean and align the entire force on the whole parent thing. Transparency of interests, allies in each concern can represent even dissent, if opposites but the basic orientation relate to and are irreconcilable, it would be better to act in a concerted Association of like-minded people and so internal and external credible and powerful to oppose. The economy and society it is desirable that the Phonix of the representation of the economy rise to new life from the ashes of the slander and fragmentation.

Fine as the Switzerland, as it was able to achieve an outstanding competitiveness and value creation in the competitive global environment, the locations and economic systems in the long term and sustainable. Only on this ground grow peace, freedom, and prosperity for generations to come. A far-sighted and prudent, focused powerfully on the essential common language of public economy and media, authorities and policy does not.

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Create New Friction Different Perspectives

April 24th, 2014
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The new Club inporticu e.V. in Frankfurt want the innovation climate by an interdisciplinary network improve Frankfurt am Main, 20 August 2013 there she are everywhere in the world: people who understand change as an opportunity, tackle new challenges with composure and humor. Women and men who see potential and develop together with others. The new Club inporticu e.V. in Frankfurt creates for this change maker’ and innovators now an interdisciplinary network. Behind the idea of the Club is the realization that the increasingly complex problems of our time only through the exchange of different perspectives can be solved. In addition, that the frequency and intensity of change continues to increase in the professional environment.

That requires new skills. The club wants to make an important contribution by from different disciplines bringing together development and innovation skills and further developed. With inporticu, we create a network of people from business, politics, education and science, the is usually not encounter, but their enjoyment of development connects. Their ideas, methods and experiences we bring together and come together to the new solution paths in creative exchange. These in turn can apply to everyone in his environment and pass”, Sabine Amend, in addition to Valeria Berghoff Fluel explains one of the two founders of inporticu, the benefits.

The Club registered in June of this year intends to promote a climate that, in which development processes are designed positive and experienced. The vision of the founders: Change and innovation to succeed in the future easier. Can kick-off event in Frankfurt on the subject be change easily?” To make this possible, organized the Association of dialog events on the topics of innovation, change and development. Impulse will offer inporticu its members for personal and professional development, as well as for the own professional life. Including through the provision of expertise. The first official event of the Association will be from 27 to 28.

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