Magna Carta Revolution
FIRST chapter: The revolution English prologue La revolution English, also known as the glorious revolution, is a long process of more than half a century, which culminates in 1688 enshrining the power of Parliament, rooted in the English tradition, against absolutism represented by the Stuarts and supported the work of the Leviathan Hobbes. It is the antecedent of the nearest of the constitutional monarchy, achieved through an unusual fact – the expulsion of the own King James II–that will find its justification in the works of Locke. Not in vain to the 1628 petition of rights, although improved and approved sixty years later, is known for its importance as the second Magna Carta. However, monarchs that predated the Stuarts were not too away from despotism and gave Parliament ephemeral holdings. The glorious revolution was also a holy war, because resistance to absolutism, brought with him the need to eradicate definitively to the Catholics of English politics. I. Introduction: the English revolution (1) is a long process that extends for more than half a century and represents the final triumph of Parliament (2) on the absolutism that the Kings of the House of Stuart had wanted to impose during the seventeenth century, against the spirit of the English tradition, which since long time ago, had consecrated the limits on Royal power with the Magna Carta (3).Although for the majority of the authors the English revolution covers the period extending from the year 1642 until the year 1688, the beginning of the same must be some years before, precisely in 1628 when occurs with the petition of rights (or bills of rights) of the Parliament, a background that represents an important historical expression of opposition to absolutism.The change was not going to produce immediately because they were going to happen several stages which roughly can be defined as a civil war, the regicide, parliamentarism, the Cromwell dictatorship, the restoration of absolutism and finally the dismissal to the absolutism of the Monarch, which is the moment where the English revolution reaches its climax.The revolutionary process has not enjoyed the largest of the legalities (4) but the passage of time and the work of Locke (5) knew how to give legitimacy and necessary historical justification.Finally the glorious revolution had success without bloodshed, producing the definitive transfer of the sovereignty of the King by Parliament, consecrating the victory of the principles defended by the Liberals, who argued that if Catholics could not be Kings, no monarch could not be absolute, ambition that was captured in the Act of settlement.