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May 1st, 2013

In the golden era of 8-bit, Nintendo Entertainment Console was the opponent to defeat, and clear, nobody could do it, not even Sega which also had a successful system. Time passed and the days of Nintendo ended before the arrival of PlayStation 2, reason why it was believed that the next Nintendo, Wii, platform would not have opportunity against PlayStation 3 and today, in hindsight, we know that things are different. When Nintendo lifted the veil of their fifth home console, known as code Revolution, the company had in mind revolutionize industry and succeeded. Wii was the first platform to include a control with motion sensor which user can imitate the actions of the characters on screen as aiming a gun or hit with a sword rather than just control everything only with hands.It is true that Nintendo was original to incorporate the channels and the control system with its new platform motion sensor, but it is also true that borrowed the idea of your competition to add online and game, rather than a step forward, gave one back because it has no waiting rooms as the other consoles. Since the Wii Remote is not a conventional control, console drew the attention of the audience that stayed aside from video games for more than two decades. Both children and the elderly of the House were attracted by the innovative game experience created by Nintendo.Nintendo laid the foundations for the controls with motion sensor and now Microsoft and Sony have their own. The high commands of the great N believe that the software will be the factor that follow giving the advantage to Wii, but in a world in which the majority of the games come to all consoles, Wii is in trouble because it has serious technical limitations compared to PS3 and Xbox 360.

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