Rio Grande
Nobody opens the door, with much fear, and the dog is died in the following morning. The gold of the Jesuits At the time of the missions, the Jesuits who had come to catequizar the indians of the region had brought obtain all the luck of treasures. For security, they had decided to embed them. To mark the place, they had planted a tree. As it had many deaths in elapsing of the time where they had been here, also in confrontations with the indians, many of these hiding places had been intocados.
Then, each time that somebody is come close to one of these trees, at night, alone, appears a candle showing the place. One gives credit that only later that the gold will be exhumed the soul will rest. Light for the fisherman a man had a son that it worked in the Rio Grande as fishing. Every year it returned in day 30,10 and was with the parents until the turn of the year. Every year, the son came back in day 30 of October and was in the house of the parents until the beginning of the new year, when he returned for the Rio Grande. One day it got behind itself, arriving in day 31, was assaulted and esfaqueado before the dusk. The family not wise person of the occurrence and its father, the night, did not obtain to sleep. She was, then, to postar it the front of the house to wait for the son.
She saw many people walking for the open field, all with candles in the hands, except the last one of the line, in who it the proper son recognized. Thinking to be idiot for sleep, he concluded that he was having hallucinations because of the concern with the son. In the following morning, he counted to the woman, who said to be a signal of that the son was deceased, needing that candles were lit.