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You Codices Mixtec Nahualt

March 26th, 2019

Mixteco-nahuas codices. Mixteco-nahuas Mesoamerican codices are pictographic fonts, phonetic and ideographic glyph. Initially were produced based on different materials such as wood, ceramic, bone, stone, stucco, fabric, animal fur and paper (amate or maguey) and even of a type called iczotl Palma and only from 16th century begin to be produced in European role. These manuscripts have served as excellent mediators to publicize the most important elements of Mesoamerican culture; Therefore, despite having been produced in regions where different languages were spoken, they served a single system article, called mixteco-nahua. The writings which were prepared to base tissue, animal skin or paper were coiled as scrolls or bent by what the nahualt called them amoxtli, meaning papers pasted or seasoned; they were called books by the Castilian conquerors, since its use was destined for a similar function to which they had in the West. One of the characteristics pictorial most notorious of these manuscripts is the presence of thick and black contour lines forming glyphs and images whose parts were painted different but uniform color (without shadows). Through the codices know some important factors of the Mesoamerican tradition, which allows us to be aware of cosmogonicos elements, historical group, the facts that marked the life of the ruling elites and their lineages, wars, conquests, the foundations of cities, forecasts, offerings and tributes. The set of Mesoamerican codices, offers information on Mesoamerican culture both pre-Columbian and colonial level, since it is composed of a dozen of pre-Hispanic manuscripts and more than five hundreds of colonial manuscripts.

In addition it is important that these codices have been split into subgroups based on the article system used, of which the most important are the maya and the Mixtec nahua: nahua, Mixtec Codices: between codices pre-Hispanic mixteco-nahua have: Codex Borgia. Codex Cospi. Codex Fejerrary Mayer Codex Laud and Vatican B (forming part of the Borgia group) Codex Becker n 1, Bodley, Colombino, Nuttal, Vienna (forming the Group Nuttal) all the manuscripts mentioned above, originate from the region of Cholula, Tlaxcala and West of Oaxaca, from which also come an integral Seldem Codex also group Nuttal-whose dating is controversialso we have decided to not mention it directly. Also belonging to the pre-Hispanic, but from period of the geographical area of the altiplano, we find the following codices: Bourbon Aubin these manuscripts have a format, style and traditional characteristics of the era, but their dating is still inespecifica1. Pre-Hispanic codices of the Mayan region: the most important codices of the Mayan region are: Dresden Paris Madrid (formed by the Cortesiano and Troano Codex (also called Tro-Cortesiano) Colonial codices: The colonial codices have two trends: level mixteco-nahua codices, we can say that a colonial level we find two trends: the first consisting of manuscripts, whose material, format and traditional themes, are mainly related to the mixteco-nahua system, such as the Bourbon Codices, Tonalamatl and Aubin. The second trend consists of codices that have been influenced by systems of writing, painting and Western bookbinding, as for example Jersey-bechiano codices, Vatican, etc2. 1 Cfr.

SANTOS, Eduardo Natalino two. Historiographical uses two codices Mixtec-naua, in Journal of history 153 / 2, 2005, pp. 71 and. SANTOS, Eduardo Natalino two. Calendar, cosmogony and cosmography us codicese do Seculo XVI Nahua texts. Tese de doutorado. Counselor Janice Theodoro da Silva. Sao Paulo: Department of history da FFLCH USP, 2005, p. 90.) 2 Cfr. SANTOS, Eduardo two Natalino. Historiographical uses two codices Mixtec-naua, in Journal of history 153 / 2, 2005, pp. 71. Original author and source of the article.

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