The German People
It is but to assume that the genetic structures of our social behaviour, which have evolved over the course of millions of years in small groups and strengthened, adapted in the short period of time that has elapsed since the emergence of the first civilizations, not this. We show that is also in that the social environment of today’s people largely consists of small groups and the family, friends and colleagues, with whom have regular direct contact, is rarely more than a hundred people. Man is not committed to the anonymity and impenetrability large companies he prefers personal contact and is especially concerned with his own fortune and that of his relatives. That he is still able to be able to live their Bevolkerung is counted in millions, in States based on an understanding in the need that living together in such a narrow space of generally binding regulation is needed. But even if the man of a reason gifted beings is, its biological heritage you can not educate off him. Government the State and its regulations are a necessary evil, that enables the individual to freedom and personal interaction to organize large groups. It is an Alliance of expediency that is always in danger to mutate for the mere sake. On the facade of the Federal Chancellery, a quote from Albert Einstein stood in the anniversary year 2005: The Government is for the people and not the people for the State.
“As far as the theory, the reality gives a completely different impression however. Those responsible in politics and in the administrations tend to to finance the social life of citizens, with an abundance of laws and regulations to regulate in detail and then the whole thing with just as extensive as imaginative taxes, contributions and fees. So is the State rate, i.e. the proportion of Government and Government-related economic activity on the economic performance in Germany at nearly 50%.