New Discovery
The majority of these institutions is religious with diverse denominations, between which if it can cite, of the beginning of the stretch studied until its end, Church baptist Missionary in New Discovery Figure. 4; Church Catholic Ours Mrs. of Lourdes, Appears 5; Group woman Figura.6 wonder; Esprita school Cristina Menezes de Albuquerque Appears. 7. Figure 4: Church Baptist Missionary, New Discovered; 25 L 0287745; UTM: 9113180 N. Photo: Dario Galdino, (2010) Figure 5: Church Catholic Ours Mrs. of Lourdes, in New Discovered; 25 L.0287887; UTM: 9113890. Photo: Dario Galdino, (2010) Church catholic Ours Mrs.
of Lourdes, (Figure 5), esprita School Heifer of Menezes (Figure 7), among others. Of these institutions people if they had detached just helping the removed people of the recifense center and that they look the mounts to fix housing. Figure 6: Headquarters Group Woman Wonder, in New Discovered; 25 L02877830; UTM: 9113738. Photo: Dario Galdino, (2010) the group Woman Wonder (Figure 6) was born in 1975, New Discovered, periphery of Recife, in the context of the growth and affirmation politics of the social movements, which had had a basic paper in the fight for the reorganization and joint of the communitarian movements and for the democracy, already in years 73 and 74, when the country lived dived in a situation of great repression politics, with persecution and emergency laws to the libertarian movements, Some women of New Discovery, already involved in the social fights for the redemocratizao of the country and social justice, had started if to find and to argue the situation of the woman in the home and the community, the problems of the country and its roots, in search of concrete exits. Beyond these questions the women argued the paper in the society and the discovery of its identity. After that they had created a workshop of artisan clothes that if became mark of the group, until today cultivated by some women who if had dedicated to the artesanato.