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Social Development

April 14th, 2011

The procedure for issuing detention territorial bodies of federal executive authority, charge of employment, the desirability of attracting foreign workers is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 15 July 2003 175 "On organization of work preparation and issuance of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation on issues of employment on the need to attract and use foreign workers. " Conclusion territorial employment service agencies on whether foreign workers is based on the principle of the priority rights of Russian citizens for vacant jobs, taking into account: – the availability of the respective area equivalent manpower – availability of opportunities reallocation of labor from other regions – to ensure equal conditions and wages of foreign workers in relation to citizens of the Russian Federation – to prevent the negative impact of hiring foreign nationals on the terms of employment of Russian citizens. Quotas for issuing invitations to foreign nationals to enter the Russian Federation established Government of the Russian Federation. fms of the Russian Federation decides to grant permission to hire foreign workers for 30 days from the date of submission of all of the above documents. In the event that the decision to issue a permit required examination, the decision is made within 15 days after receipt of expert opinion, but not later than 45 days from the date of filing (item 8 Decree 681). If you decide to refuse to grant permission to hire foreign labor, then within 5 days after that decision to the employer shall be in writing motivated refusal to grant permission.


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