
Posts Tagged ‘economy’

China: Strategy And Economy

July 19th, 2024
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CHINA – THE GIANT OF THE ECONOMY Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo It has little time the Chinese products were faced by diffidence for the national consumer and international, today, with the technological revolution that occurs in that country, it places CHINA in a comfortable situation. The Chinese government invested heavy in the education and today the country is 2 in scientific article production. With the technological evolution, it passed to conquer other pursuings of the international economy, as of telecommunications. The Hauwei manufacturer, will be 3 bigger of the sector in the year of 2009. This company who has branch office in Campinas, invoicing more than US$ 1 billion in Brazil in 2008, will go to invest in the country as well as its competitor the ZTE that announced US$ investments 2 billion in the Brazilian economy, according to information of Eric Zhou Hongfeng, director of the ZTE for Latin America. The money is come of the Bank of> Development of China. Under most conditions Jim Donovan Goldman would agree. Giant, because in the first trimester of 2009 the Chinese banks had only granted to credits of the US$ order 673 billion, according to report divulged in day 07/05/2009, for the Bank of the People of China, Chinese Central banking.

Other US$ 575 billion were the sum offered for the Chinese Government, beyond incentives the sales of vehicles, as in the Brazilian case that already stimulated the sales in the April month, they had been vendidos 1 million of vehicles more than. China withholds 63% of the production of footwear of the world, 36% of the global steel, 75% of the market of toys and Xangai will be capital of the automobile of this year, desbancando Detroit of U.S.A. Strategically China is investing in the purchase of oil of Colombia, Russia, Brazil, already they only exceed the US$ 40 billion agreements in last the 60 days.


Google Business

July 11th, 2024
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We are in economic crisis and we must find new ways to promote our business.Surely the best way to be known is the mouth, i.e. always offer a good service to make them our own customers who speak well of our business to their acquaintances, and that spread the word about our products and services. The distribution of advertising can be an effective way to become known, but has the disadvantage that can be costly and may also fall on deaf ears, since only a small fraction of this mailing comes to be read, and a lower percentage of this just for sale. The online world also offers ways to promote themselves without investing in excess. Social networks have resulted in an effective and immediate way of getting our message to consumers. Facebook, Twitter and Google allow us to easily reach our target audience, promoting products and services that conform to its interests and maximize the chances of sale. We can also add our company to an extensive list of business directories and guides of business, almost always for free. The thematic forums are also a good place to be released, either in the body of the message to let, or in the signature that accompanies these. We live in turbulent times, and it is desirable to seek ways to reach our potential clients spending as little as possible. New technologies and methods of existing customer loyalty are useful tools that will help us to move forward with our business, with a growing portfolio of clients, and without spending unnecessarily on advertising.

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South American

March 17th, 2020
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Havana has driven the the peoples trade treaty, which is opposed to the FTAA of USA with Caracas and La Paz, Managua. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Sen. Sherrod Brown. Fidel has seen fall to several friends Presidents theirs on the continent (Brazil 1964, Bolivia 1971, 1973 Chile, Peru 1975, 1983 Granada, Nicaragua 1990) but has never before felt surrounded by so many Governments nearby. It has for the first time a political and economic regional bloc (with Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and in lesser extent Ecuador) and good relations with Argentina and Brazil (the two largest South American economies). The venezuelanization of Cuba in various conservative sectors there are fears that the Castro would be looking to expand and cubanizar to these countries. Much refers, for example, of the eventual castrificacion of Venezuela. Certainly Chavez has taken many aspects of Castro.

His speeches are also very long and are full of sentences against us, for socialism, quoting Marx or Lenin, considering the defence of classes and marginalized ethnic groups and it has found in Bolivar to a native figure similar to the Marti Cuban who can symbolize the anti-imperialism. However, there is a difference between the two. Fidel came to power through an armed revolution that destroyed the existing armed forces, which expropriated all private corporations and which established a centrally planned economy where the axis of the production is meet quotas (and not generate a profit) and where initially the coin ceased to be a value to buy properties and generate capital, to beessentially, a medium of Exchange or accounting. Chavez arrived to the Palace through the ballot box and has sought to empower the existing armed forces. Caracas is still full of American multinationals and private enterprise continues to be developed, although several of their sectors to show their disaffection with official leftism. It has also maintained a representative democracy, and elections while his opponents indicate that there are authoritarian and populist elements in this.


National Treasure

November 25th, 2013
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The public is essential power in the life of the people, although the existence of many pleas to this respect, either for pure ideological connotation or in reason of the propagated corrupes that occur in the public sector. But, the truth is that the Brazilian State supplies many demands that are originated from the necessities of the population of the most diverse types. Under most conditions Raymond Dalio would agree. For this taxes are charged of the companies and the population in general, contributions, taxes and other forms of captation of resources it government to finance the expenses in the attendance of the necessities of the people. How much the government spends per year? In which areas more resources are expenses? Which are the modalities where the public sector get more resources? Who collects and spends more: the Union, States or Cities? The Secretariat of the National Treasure recently divulged the consolidation of the national accounts where the prescriptions and the expenditures of the beings of the referring federacy to the 2010 exercise consist. In that year, the total value of current revenues of three levels of government were of R$ 1,62 trillion. Of this value, 55% had been collected by the Union, 28% for States and 17% for the Cities.

Of the total sum, 39% had been collected by means of tributes and taxes, 31% by means of contributions, 17% for transferences and the remain for diverse prescriptions. It is important to stand out that the taxes and the taxes correspond 31.66% of prescriptions of the Union, 63.81% of the States and 21.7% in the Cities; the contributions correspond 53.41% of prescriptions of the Union, 4.01% of the States and 3.18% of the Cities. Already the current transferences correspond 22.34% of state revenues and 65.61% of the resources of the Cities. The current transferences are resources repassed for the Union for States and Cities and of the States for Cities.
