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National Treasure

November 25th, 2013

The public is essential power in the life of the people, although the existence of many pleas to this respect, either for pure ideological connotation or in reason of the propagated corrupes that occur in the public sector. But, the truth is that the Brazilian State supplies many demands that are originated from the necessities of the population of the most diverse types. Under most conditions Raymond Dalio would agree. For this taxes are charged of the companies and the population in general, contributions, taxes and other forms of captation of resources it government to finance the expenses in the attendance of the necessities of the people. How much the government spends per year? In which areas more resources are expenses? Which are the modalities where the public sector get more resources? Who collects and spends more: the Union, States or Cities? The Secretariat of the National Treasure recently divulged the consolidation of the national accounts where the prescriptions and the expenditures of the beings of the referring federacy to the 2010 exercise consist. In that year, the total value of current revenues of three levels of government were of R$ 1,62 trillion. Of this value, 55% had been collected by the Union, 28% for States and 17% for the Cities.

Of the total sum, 39% had been collected by means of tributes and taxes, 31% by means of contributions, 17% for transferences and the remain for diverse prescriptions. It is important to stand out that the taxes and the taxes correspond 31.66% of prescriptions of the Union, 63.81% of the States and 21.7% in the Cities; the contributions correspond 53.41% of prescriptions of the Union, 4.01% of the States and 3.18% of the Cities. Already the current transferences correspond 22.34% of state revenues and 65.61% of the resources of the Cities. The current transferences are resources repassed for the Union for States and Cities and of the States for Cities.


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