
Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

Ghazi Jabali

October 24th, 2013
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30. As did the Wye fiasco?: in September, 1998, just before the election of the Congress, President Clinton (who at that time It was involved in accusations) consult the Prime Minister Israel Binyamin Netanyahu meet next to the Palestinians a Summit of three parts in Wye River, Maryland. Clinton knew that a successful Summit in Wye before congressional elections, would be good not only for its image, but it also would big political benefits for Democrats in their vote to regain control of Congress. As an inducement to Netanyahu, Clinton promised release Jonathan Pollard during the context of the Summit. Understanding the value of Jonathan Pollard for his own re-election campaign, and a sweetener to need to sell this agreement of peace to Israelis, Netanyahu I ignore you pleas them as Newt Gingrich Republican friends and I agree to participate in the Summit.

(Gingrich then you devolveria Netanyahu leading the charge of slander and lies against Jonathan Pollard.) 31. Once the Wye Summit took place, Clinton forgot his promise of freeing Jonathan Pollard and was little that Netanyahu could do. 32. The Wye talks collapsed on the release of Palestinian murderers with blood Jewish in his hands and asked Israel to extradite Ghazi Jabali, the Chief of police of Police in Gaza who was wanted for his role in planning and executing terrorist attacks in Israel. 33. To break the stalemate, the Palestinians suggested Jonathan Pollard as the solution. They proposed that Pollard be sold to Netanyahu once more: the United States entregarian to Jonathan to Israel to change that Israel release hundreds of Palestinian terrorists and immunity to Ghazi Jabali.

34. The United States and Israel accepted the Palestinian plan of exchanging Pollard for terrorists and murderers. President Clinton personally work on the details of a settlement at a private meeting of last minute with israeli and the Palestinian representative.


Social Educational Contexts

May 19th, 2012
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Socieducativo national congress in Malaga II the National Congress on Coexistence and Resolution of Conflicts in Socio-educational Contexts will take place in the Faculty of Sciences of the Education of Malaga, during next days 24, 25 and 26 of March of 2011. With this encounter it is tried to develop a forum of reflection, dialogue and formation around the problematic one that raises in the diverse socio-educational scopes the boarding of the intercultural education and the proposal of dynamic and improves of the coexistence. The organizer of this congress determines like main targets of the same the deepening to the practical routes for the development of the improvement of the coexistence to socio-educational contexts, in which the conflicting situations from the negotiation, the dialogue are approached, the pacific resolution of the conflicts and in which it implies all the educative community and the social realities are contemplated. Its lodging to attend to this can realise it congress in one of the hotels in Malaga with category of 4 stars superior, our Hotel Malaga Mount, that stops this occasion offers rooms to him to the assistants to this encounter. In order to realise reserves in our hotel, where we will apply to TARIFF REUNIONES/EVENTOS with prices from 98 by room and night to him with breakfast buffet and IVA including, it only must make click in the following connection: TO RESERVE ROOM IN the HOTEL MOUNTS Important MALAGA: In order to take refuge in this tariff it will be essential to present/display in the reception of the hotel the up-to-date documentation that credits its attendance to the CONGRESO/EVENTO/REUNIN.
