
Posts Tagged ‘russia and the cis countries’

Belopesotsky Trinity Monastery

November 7th, 2017
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In general, it is not far from Moscow when compared with the capital, not a very big city Stupino. It should be noted that this is quite an ancient city, since the first mention of this city, while repairs Stupino, appeared in the history of old-ancient Russia back in 1507. Four years later, Stupino acquired the status of the village. After centuries of technological progress through Stupino was laid railway. After some time, that road construction in the escalation of the plant for the production of electric locomotives, which in 1936 was reformed in a metallurgical plant. In 1938 the town was proud of Stupino city status. However, not only by the presence of Metallurgical Plant and built later by the grp famous city of Stupino. Visit Connecticut Senator for more clarity on the issue.

It so happened that for many centuries, surviving hunger, war, the government of Soviet power, were kept in this city Belopesotsky Trinity Monastery, founded in the late xv century Trinity Cathedral, founded in the xvii century, as well as churches and Ivanovo xix century and the famous refectory of the xvi century and the 'Gates of' as the xvi century. Now, not only Stupino town in the Moscow region, but also a kind of city that cares about saving its history and its future. It is through this attitude of the authorities and residents to the city, and the actual presence of a developed infrastructure network of the city, doing lately quite interesting for the residents of the capital property, located within the boundaries of this city. Near the town of Stupino live in general, ordinary citizens, some of whom work at the mill or factory. We should also note that with the development of industry throughout the country, in Stupino were built and expanded other industries, such as a factory for the manufacture of ceramic tiles, machine-building complex smd, npp 'Aerosila' Works Ltd. 'raisins' factory' Knauf Inssuleyshn ''Scovo' factory 'La Fortezza Est'. There are some businesses related to their food industries such as confectionery company famous 'Mars', Dairy Plant 'Campina' and Bakery 'Miche'. Because of this, even though the economic crisis in the country, only a very lazy can remain jobless in Stupino. At the weekend the people of this city, love to walk through the parks of the city or visit the checkers club, almost unique in the Moscow region, because of which, Stupino definitely on the right considered the main center of checkers movement throughout the Moscow region. The younger generation happy after school rush in the Youth Cultural and Leisure Center ', which is directly inspired by, engaged in music, the result of training is to create several popular among the younger generation, a popular disco band and this despite the fact that this center was originally established as a center Stupinskiy lullaby songs.


Western Europe

November 26th, 2013
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If I continue to start develop this theme, it will lead to direct insult to my homeland, border workers, and our laws are being developed intelligent MPs and public servants working for the benefit of citizens Russia. First desire after the way done, and it was about 1500 km. and the foul mood was to leave the Soviet Union and go back to Western Europe. But half of the road, waiting for relatives who have not seen us for three years, the accumulated personal affairs made reasonably decide to continue traveling by train. In the border town in Belarus Orsha our car was left on the paid parking at the hotel in which we were compelled to live up to expectations of a train, the things we have handled in three days on the train, we have been redeemed compartment in a train going to Russia. Our trip is interrupted by the above-described circumstances continued. Unforeseen expenditure of funds for accommodation food waiting for the train and buy train tickets was 550 euros.

Was lost 4 days of our time plus a day away by train. The hardest thing was to explain to our children to Russian citizens reason that we are not allowed to go home. If it were not for grandparents, to whom they were going, I think we have persuaded them not to continue the way they think about the continuation of our trip was taken into account as well. Thus, Belarus has become for us a temporary home country before departure to Russia by train.
