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The Districts

March 17th, 2014

During more than a century the Island is local of plantation of sugar cane-of-sugar and creation of bovine cattle; after that it fishes, it of the whale starts to be the main economic activity until the end of century XVIII. Vera Cross is emancipated politically, desmembra of the city of Itaparica for force of the State Law n.1.773/62, of 31 of July of 1962. With passing of the years, quickly Vera Cross assumes its true vocation, becoming one of the tourist points more visited of the country and the first tourist destination of the Bahia. Its total population? it fixes and floating platform? it reaches the house of the 200 a thousand in the station summer. According to IBGE, the current counting the 37,567 inhabitants are equal (2010). Geography, Climate and division politics the High one of the Urubu with 128m, in Matarandiba, the Outeiro of the Faustina with 104m, in Great Sea, and the Mirante of the Maragojipinho with 94m, in Islet, is geographic accidents that all constitute the rare exceptions in the predominantly plain topography of the city. The coordinates of the Municipal Headquarters are: Lat.

12 572 45.39' ' S and Long. 38 362 24.54' ' W. The Climate is Tropical (hot and humid), with temperatures that vary between 25 and 31C. The Districts are: Sea Great (Headquarters: Hard, Riachinho, Jaburu, Source of the Silver); Bar of the Gil; Jiribatuba; Cacha Pregos. The Villages are: Islet; Gamboa; Gameleira; Penha; Taipoca; Crown; Baiacu; Berlinque; Conceio; Great bar; Matarandiba; Jiribatuba; Tairu; Aratuba. They are the six towns: Juerana; Porrozinho; Thick tip; Campinas; Catu; Sobrado port. The bordering cities are: to the North, Itaparica; to the South, Jaguaripe; the East, Salvador; the West, Jaguaripe and Salinas of the Daisy. 1.4. How To arrive the Vera Cross? For the Sea, through the System Ferry Boat, from the terminal of They are Joaquin, or of Motor boats, from the terminal of the Market Model, in the Quarter of the Commerce in Salvador.


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