Martim Enriques Uchoa was of the city of Toledo in Spain, of where it changed with conde D. Enrique to the conquest of Portugal; he was noble of that kingdom of the house of this nickname. It was the room grandson of Peter Affonso Uchoa, rich man of the empire of king D. Diniz, and of this it was also room grandson Affonso Vaz Uchoa, young man noble of the house of king D. Affonso V, being great-grandfather of Francisco Uchoa, of who descended the bachelor Francisco Andres Ucha, natural of Irada, the jurisdiction of Bragana in Portugal. Its weapons are found in the book of the Tower of the Tumble, fl 73. The Uchas had come to Brazil in the period of the United kingdom of Portugal and Spain, as it consists, the invitation of the Hispanic-lusitana cut to help in the settling. As they had noble ancestry, they had emigrated at the time as clerks and storekeepers from the cut as one of the families who were not merchant peasants and yes, with the objectives to control captainships, to form flags to prear indians, to discover mines and wealth and to negotiate slaves to the crown. It all has Uchas in the state of Pernambuco, the coast to hinterland, also appearing in Rio De Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Recife, Petrolina, Salgueiro and Belm of the San Francisco, but in well small number, not being generally numerous family. This Ucha family associaou itself for businesses, politics and marriages with the families of the Farm Pan D? Water, as well as the Trapi and the Caribbean.