Adriano Botelho Economic
General Deodoro of the Fonseca resigns the same in 23 of November of year, under imminent threat of deposition for the republicans, represented for the vice-president Marshal Floriano Peixoto, who assumes ' ' naturalmente' ' the presidency. Only in the government De Campos Sales, with Rodrigues Alves in the command of the Brazilian economy, the facts of the crisis of the economic depression had been brightened up. In this period, 14 company dedicated to the civil construction had initiated its activities in the city, beyond the constitution of seven real estate and four on enterprises to the production of material of construction, as ceramic, roofing tile and bricks, as mentioned for Adriano Botelho in its book ' ' Urban in Fragmentos' '. 1. Objectives 1.1. General objective – To explore the advance of the civil construction, that during the economic depression also became great source of income and object of profit of fictitious capital, generated through constructors in operations in the Stock exchange.
1.2. Specific objectives – To before understand the occured changes, during and after the reformadoras measures that they intended to promote industrialization and to stimulate the economic growth of the country. – To demonstrate the impact, from this law of the economic depression, enters the change of the old agrarian structure, based in the exportation of the coffee, for the industrialization and the incentive of the based economic growth in the civil construction. – To search ways that make possible profit of equalized capital its distribution, that transits beyond the socialism and of the capitalism. 2. Object the social inaquality and urban resultant of the politics applied in the Law of the Economic depression, that contributes until today for the profit for the speculation of a fictitious capital. 3. Problem – To win the biggest challenge of the period, that was the scarcity of currency, aggravated for the growth of the wage-earning work, result of the end of the slavery and the fond bulk of immigrants as work force.