Military Regimen
In 1936 if they had formed the first permitted professors, and education searched if to move away from that geography enciclopdica and based in stories, giving place to a modern, scientific Geography, worried about its methods and objects. under this perspective from 1930, the pupils of the college Peter II studied: populations, races, languages and religions, highways, transports, creations of animals, exploration of animals, and natural resources. Regarding Brazil, they studied ethnic populations, groups, European elements, settling, natural resources, production of the cotton, extrativista industry, etc. Additional information is available at Click here. Changes still would occur in the following decades, even so theoretical-quantitative revolution has opened a new perspective for education and the critical one in classic Geography, made possible a revision in the contents, did not have significant modifications in the objectives and the didactics. The objective biggest still continued being the enaltecimento of the wealth of the nation and the method of the memorization.
With the military blow of 1964, the Education suffered sevaras transformations, and one more time the education of Geography comes back to be used as an instrument of ideological propagation. The State started to intervine in all the institutions, also in the educational area, for consequence in Geography, defended an education model in which the pupils had been in conditions of only spectators, instead of pensantes and critical citizens of the moment, this could be a dangerous idea for the militant ones in the control. In accordance with Rock (2009, p.4), the paper of conscience taking that Geopolitics can exert in the domination of the peoples, sufficiently was used understood for diverse you lead dictators. In the schools this was an idea used with the objective to limit the knowledge, to mold the behavior and to convince the society the benefits of the Military Regimen. Of this form, Geography was fit in the interest of the State, therefore it presented to the pupils a hierarquizada and lead society from top to bottom, where the order would be the maximum objective reached by the citizens.