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National Congress

May 22nd, 2012

(New writing given for the EC n 16, of 1997) 4,4 Of the ownership, Impediment and avoidance of the Positions of President and Vice-president (Federal Constitution) Art. 78. The President and the Vice-president of the Republic will take ownership in session of the National Congress, giving the commitment to keep, to defend and to fulfill the Constitution, to observe the laws, to promote the well general one of the Brazilian people, to support the union, the integrity and the independence of Brazil. Only paragraph. If, passed ten days of the date settled for the ownership, the President or the Vice-president, saved reason of bigger force, will not have assumed the position, this will be declared vacant.

5 – Measures of security to Former-President of the Republic, SYNTHESIS DECREE N 6,381, OF 27 OF FEBRUARY OF 2008. Published in I GIVE of 28.2.2008.Regulamenta the Law to it in the 7,474, of 8 of May of 1986, that it makes use on measures of security former-President of the Republic, and the other steps. The PRESIDENT OF the REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution that confers it art. 84, interpolated proposition IV, of Constitution, and in view of the made use one in the Law in the 7,474, of 8 of May of 1986, DECREES: Art. 1o Findo the mandate of the President of the Republic, will have exerted who it, in permanent character, will have right: I – to the services of four servers for activities of security and personal support; II – the two official vehicles, with the respective drivers; III – to the advising of two occupying servers of transitory governmentg positions of Superior Group-Direction and Assessoramento – OF, level 5. Art. 2o the servers and drivers the one that if relates art. 1o will be of free choice of former-President of the Republic and nominated for transitory governmentg position destined to the support former-President of the Republic, integrant of the picture of the transitory governmentg positions and the gratified functions of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic.


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