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Braudel Social

May 10th, 2020

In short, ' ' The Age Braudel' ' it was to try the construction of a totalizante and global history, where the diverse perspectives were included, mainly taking advantage economic and social, where Braudel of the little emphasis the mentalities, approaching the Annales of marxist and estruturalistas chains, however its great contribution in my opinion is to transform our slight knowledge of time and space with its multiple temporalities, therefore Braduel it works and it develops the concepts of shortness, average and long duration. Amazon is likely to increase your knowledge. The short duration is the time of the events, is the history of the events, is a superficial history of the facts. The average duration of time is of the conjunctures, where it visualizes the mutation of the structures politics, economic, social and mental. The long duration is almost immovable history or almost without time of the relation between the man and the environment. The third generation did not have in this period a domain as in the times of Bloch, Febvre and Braduel. Therefore, the third generation is had as a difficult generation to trace a profile, therefore these historians go to work with a broken up history, where they inside go to be pointed some perspectives and innumerable sources of study of this generation.

New history as the third generation is known had as main chains of the moment the return of history politics, the mentalities and the ressurgimento of the historical narrative. New history politics has as characteristic the interest for the power and the relation of the microns to be able existing in the daily life, the use politician of the representation systems, opening space for the history seen of low worried about the great anonymous masses, procupando itself with the individual common, if not worrying more bonanza about the great figures of the politics. The mentalities have as characteristic the approach of the society related to the mental world and the ways to feel, where its looks if dirigem for the mental universe, the ways to feel, the scopes most spontaneous of the collective representations and also of unconscious the collective one, live deeply analyzing it, the subjectivity, as the person feels, live and perceive the social world that the fence, where the concept of imaginary does not work the reality in yes, but the form as this is thought or represented for the social citizens.


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