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Dow Jones Industrials

August 28th, 2013

Hedge funds that handled approximately some US $1.800 trillion in assets. Galiegue adds: a part of this industry is dying, probably half. They then settled assets in panic, without consideration of the economic news. The reality is that no one wants to be purchased in this market, because no one knows so much more can deepen this low, nor how much can get to suffer the economy. In times like these, it is not taken into account potential future value, but is the only thing that operates panic and uncertainty. The majority of analysts repeated what to enter for the long term, that always wins do but meanwhile what do we do? While both may refer to more than one year even.

Those who purchased Nasdaq or S & P 500 at the start of the year 2000, in full market euphoria, thinking that the party would continue, never could see their investments become positive. The Nasdaq has lost 70 per cent since then and the S & P 500 40%. It took 8 years. The long term may be for the children or grandchildren of the investor and the investor in question will thus lose always. There is one variety of funds to bet on low, if we were waiting for the boom in the market for the long term, sonreiremos from some other side when to who bequeath them our assets sold. There are several alternatives for those who foresee a drop in the markets and do not intend to hold on to their shares for the long term in which everything will tend to rise. The ETFs and bearish investment funds, which sold short (short-sell), that arman options strategies betting on downward, they gain value as the market loses. And there are all kinds: ETFs bears (bearish) to emerging markets like the PT insti MSCI emerging market (AMEX:EEV), the commodities as PF insti basic materials (AMEX:SMN), the financial is PF insti financial (AMEX:SKF), or to take advantage of the PF insti oil low oil & gas (AMEX:DUG). Who could come and see the decline in the Dow Jones Industrials, could have bought the bearish ETF PT insti Dow 30 (AMEX:DXD) and bagging during October more than one 80% rise, while the DJIA lost more than 20 percent in the month.


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