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Local History

May 10th, 2012

What the people carry through, live deeply, construct and feel. This history to be studied can represent the behaviors, the economic relations, the positions politics the styles of life and behavior of the societies. E, to make this study, we use the documents, which can present it we of physical form, as a text of a periodical, a photograph, a plate of inauguration of a school, or an official document, dating the creation of this school; or to represent elements of the culture, as a music or one determined typical plate of a region, a popular party. The study of history can be developed from these elements or of its interlacement, searching the convergent points between the plate, the photograph and the official document Remembering that the elements of the culture in such a way can come from crystallized manifestations already and that they are disclosed in different the practical ones and social positions: parties, customs, legends, elements of the culinria or the folklore, events and in the depositions of the people. when we speak in Local History we can being valid in them the memory of the involved people in the locality; we can basing in them you say on them of the personages oldest and that, therefore, they possess a bigger volume of experience of life in that community. This implies to say, and to repeat, that we study not it fact in itself, but the interpretation of the facts. Being interpretation, history will be always a version of the fact. The first interpretation will be that making for who lived or had access to the fact and it absorbed it from its conditionings and life expectancies. Here the question of deep would have to be: why the informer presents this version of the fact? Because it remembers itself of this aspect or this fact? The second interpretation will be that making for the researcher from the information supplied for who lived the fact.


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