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Sustainable Development

February 4th, 2014

Thus, it fits to the State, with the one creation legislation and of an institucional body the paper of regulator of the use of these waters that flow off in the pertaining to the state of Cear territory, to adjust this territory to a profile of competitiveness in global scale, therefore the implantation of a joint system and interconnection of hdricas workmanships. Amongst the projects and programs, is distinguished it creation of the Program of Urban Development and Management of the Hdricos Resources? PROURB, in 1995, Project Are Jose in 1995, Project of Integrated Management of Hdricos Resources of the State of the Cear? PROGERIRH in 1997, having as has detached the construction of workmanships of basin integration, as the complex of the Eixo of the Waters, that possesss 5 axles of integration of waters of the Castanho dam until the Region Metropolitan and the Complex of the Port of the Pecm; Program of Sustainable Development of Hdricos Resources for Brazilian Half-Barren? PROGUA in 1998, amongst others. The projects and investments in the hdrica infrastructure field had made possible economic modernization, but this occurred of intent form in specific sectors of the pertaining to the state of Cear territory, notadamente the Region Metropolitan of $fortaleza (RMF), coastal zone, and some cities of the region of the valley of the Jaguaribe, Acara and of the Cariri. The hdricas workmanships of great transport, as dams and expositories pass if to locate strategically in considered territorial portions favorable to its exploration for irrigated agriculture, fish, tourism and other economic activities (QUINTILIANO and RASP, 2008). It is given credit that it had an modification in offers and management of waters in the Cear through the creation of some projects and programs, inside of the national context of implementation of hdricas politics. These actions had brought some improvements for the State, contributing for the development of the economic activities.


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