
Posts Tagged ‘environment’


March 13th, 2018
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This because the citizen/educator is not neutral. Education neutral, unprovided of values, orientaes does not exist pedagogical perspective politics ede. Having as base some of these estimated and some dessastendncias of the Ambient Education, the Federacy of Cattle Agriculture and General deMinas (Faemg) and the Senar Mines, in a pioneering initiative, had implanted, em2001, the Program Sowing, whose proposal passed to be adopted nasescolas public annually. 14 Chapter 2. DESCRIPTION OF the SENAR-MINAS the importance to make the documentary research consists to emlevantar given and subsidies for better understanding of the research. A analisedocumental constitutes one important technique in the qualitative research, sejacomplementando information gotten for others techniques, either desvelandoaspectos new of a subject-problem (Ludke & Andres, 1986). Amazon may find this interesting as well. He uses yourself demateriais that they had not received treatment analytical and lives very of the criticahistrica. To search the Description of the Senar Institution aims at to raise given deuma analysis scale that encloses the global one and the place.

This joint sinalizaque was alone from the creation of this Agency that was possible to appear the ProgramSemeando. The Senar is an organization of learning estruturadamajoritariamente for representatives of the patronal classroom, to who fits dirigiz it, even so the agricultural workers participates by means of representation of the directive seurgo. Thus, the result of educative actions that develop can take care of differentiated interests. The Senar was created by the Law n 8,315, of 23 of December de1991, in the terms of Article 62 of the Act of the ConstitucionaisTransitrias Disposals, where it foresaw its creation in the molds of the Senai and Senac eregulamentado for the Decree n 566, of 10 of June of 1992. It is a dedireito institution private and partially state controlled, kept for the agricultural patronal classroom, tied Confederao of the Cattle Agriculture and of Brazil and directed for a ConselhoDeliberativo of composition on the same level tripartite and, for to be composed porrepresentantes of the government, the patronal classroom and the diligent classroom, comigual number of council members.


LAU Reserve

December 2nd, 2013
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This motivated the extension of stated period for the producers that still need to regularize its property. The requirement of the market in requiring that all the country properties are permitted and ambiently regularized, also possessing green stamp, has influenced the commerce and the exportation of grains, cattle and etc. the legalized country property ambiently more is valued, mainly in the lumber commerce. The store that commercialize furniture have as main parameter for purchase the fact from that the wood is proceeding from certified forests. PHASES OF the AMBIENT LICENSING OF COUNTRY PROPERTY Currently the first phase of the ambient licensing in the State of Mato Grosso is the CAR created by decree 2,238 of 13 of November of 2009. Perhaps check out Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions for more information. The CAR consists of one registers in cadastre emitted for the competent ambient agency, that establishes the conditions, restrictions and measures of ambient control that will have to be obeyed by the entrepreneurs.

After the release of the CAR the proprietor will have to give entered in Ambient licensing Only, protocolling the projects in accordance with the situation of the property. From the moment that the entrepreneur protocols the LAU project, first the process passes for the Coordenadoria de Controle Procedural for documentary analysis, where the documents of the property are analyzed. Being with apt documentary analysis the next sector it will be the Coordenadoria de Geoprocessamento? COGEO, for analysis of the map. Being approved the maps, the process follows for analysis technique, that in turn, in exempt case of of pendencies techniques, but with area of permanent preservation degraded and/or deficit of area of legal reserve in the property, will be directed for General Sub-Office of the attorney general of Environment – SUBPGMA. In these cases, they will be emitted by the SUBPGMA the term of behavior adjustment? TAC and the term of compensation of legal reserve? TCC. As soon as the terms will be signed and returned the SUBPGMA, the process it returns the supervision from forest management? SGF, where the term will be emitted of entry of legal reserve.
